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Tower and other


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What a hell happened with game AFTER GREAT UPDATE??? before  enhancements in tower I can do with 600 34 lvl, now with "better" shield +21% critical 6k crit, and 830 cant 32??? what point to do something at all in this "game?" stupid 54 lvl theef allmoust god, left 20 second to complete level with 60. Now total shit not worth of time or to do something because you "DO" more and in reallity no different at all. Maby its sf stuff? another idiotik "buffer" wl now shielding all time and playing with 2 chars with summon. this idiot total frag. In all dungeons making 50% what others do -100 ap less any level with larger crit % and possibility. With super duper fighter skill now I can do 20k dps earlier 9k, everyone else doing minimum 35+ with -100 atack points. Great game now time to put to trash.

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Before update I was on 38f (or maybe it was 40 once or twice, don't remember). I had 670+ap. After update with 780+ap I'm doing 40 - 45f, and even summoners became easier (however, they made kfm harder and sin a bit harder). I use earth build, elder soulshield with critdef and piercing on each piece, zakhan earring (it slightly improves earth damage). The same gear I was using before update. Only build changed - I used earth in KFM stance and ice in elemental (tundra + snowbal). Now I forced to use whirlwind and ripple punch. I never liked them, but I see now that they useful vs some classes. For example, destroyer in ToI never can get out of whirlwind.


DPS in dungeons didn't grow much unfortunately. But there is one thing - we can deal average range aoe damage and average solo melee damage. I think thats the reason why SF never will be top DPS. Otherwise all other classes will object because usually you have good ranged/aoe damage OR good melee/solo damage. If some class will exist which can top both, it'll look unfair.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I need some advice.

below 30f , I never miss my stun but after 30f is less than 50% chance and after 40f every hit is almost hitting blank.

What stat affect the chance? accuracy? or piercing?

any idea anyone?


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it's accuracy, also if u look closer, the bots r level 55, so ur stats get a reduced return on them

so yeah, for tower and pvp earth is the better build...also need to disagree on the average dps melee part, with later gear and procs from raven wep and bracelet and then much later combined badge and leg badge from vt, sf has one of the highest burst dmg in melee vs single target, so it changes to being really good melee single target dps and then below average range aoe dps, range at that gear level is just plain very low dmg compared to melee...but still useful in certain situations.

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