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Clan Name Change


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I was just wondering if it would be possible for NCSoft to make a ticket where you can change the name of your clan name. My family clan was created with a name that appealed to our humor but as we progressed in the game and gained more members, we all wanted to make our clan more presentable to the player audience. With a clan changing ticket, clans with similar wishes as to my clan would not have to disband (to recreate a new clan), reinvest materials, and reset clan pvp rank status. This is just an idea but seeing some other MMOs accomplish this service, I just thought it would be awesome for Blade and Soul to have it as well.


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I was actually thinking of posting such a suggestion, just because my main character's clan has become less active, and in the event that I'm the last one in it, and would probably inherit leadership of it, I think it would be nice to just be able to rename the clan, while keeping all of the mats, clan rank, and all that neat stuff. I mean, I'm not really worried about it at all, because with the clan becoming less active, I had become less active, as well, in clan events, but wouldn't mind salvaging what's left of the clan in some way. After seeing only a small portion of just how expensive and time consuming it is to craft a clan uniform, I would much prefer to use the existing one with MAYBE the possibility of making a new one someday, rather than starting over from scratch, using my own small non-fortune to fund such an endeavor.  lol

Anyway, that's my reasoning behind backing this idea. However, if they did do this, I guess the owner of the clan would just make his/her adjustments anyway, and I wouldn't inherit the clan. Like I said, it's no biggie to me, but it'd be nice - probably.^^;

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