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State of summoners in the game right now?


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Just wondering where summoners sit in the game in terms of pve, pvp and their famous role, solo farming. I've been reading here and there that summoners have been hit semi hard with a nerfbomb or two, and was wondering where the cutest little lyns sit in the current meta of the game? How are they in pvp? Are they still high damage in terms of PvE & How are they about soloing purple dungeons like they used to be? any information would be lovely. Thanks.

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I mean.... is that it? Summoners just suck now? I've read that they can't really compete with a WL or FM anymore due to gear catching up and HM skills... Just wondering if I should even come back to my fluffy cat lover if she's just going to get looked over and replace by a WL or FM. :v

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Currently summoner is weaker than FM and WL yes but we have a party heal in addition to all the other party utility. You can do great damage with good ping and the proper skill rotation/uptime. Later on wind build will become more viable but the gap between wind and earth build won't be THAT high so you can still use earth build later on if you chose to. 

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New TOI season that will start on feb 8th will give summoners access to a pve badge that should bring us on par with the other ranged classes in terms of PVE DPS.
Summoners have no real weakness in pve.
Their only downside is that they are weak(ish) at high pvp arena ranks (they still pubstomp their way to gold with ease though).
They do exceptionally well in 6v6 though.

In solo content (farming and TOI) Summoners are slower than other classes but they have an easier time than most.

It's just an all around good class with few weakspots, if you consider every aspect of the game.

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