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[Server/Player wide weapon re-roll] Back to "True Scorpio Weapon"


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2 minutes ago, Bot6 said:

No, that doesn't even make sense, i already explained I'm a solo f2p player if anything i benefit from this update, but what i meant is, an average player would have.. let's say 600-680, with legendary weapon u can reach up to 720 (with no hardcore gems) so.. if a average player within 600-680 joins in a party they will probably kick you depending on what class u are IF they want to do it quick or ''efficiently'', but when u have 710+ ap join it doesn't matter bc most likely they will let u stay.  Also i'm not sure what class u play, but having 2 kfm in 1 party in a 4 man happens literally like never.. only really good Kfms don't mind but i personally only seen it few times because it always results leaving or kicking.


Also i only upgraded my weapon only 1 month ago plus i had to get ALL mats required from stage 1 to 6 because like i said the difference isn't that significant on a kfm legendary, but its time i had to farm to make it up for not spending irl money. So its the TIME i value and want to get refunded not because they allowed other casuals to catch up, if this was money i spent i wouldn't mind, because in the end it helps support the game i enjoy.

Have you tried asking support to revert your weapon? I have heard cases where they reverted weapons that were way older than 7 days so it's always worth a shot.

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8 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

So basically you are angry that lower players could now catch up to stage 3 legendary and you don't think they deserve to be at the same stage as you so that's why they should give you back the extra mats even if you got your legendary 3-4 months ago so that you can get now even higher legendary so those lower people won't be on your stage anyway? Not sure if you meant this but this is how I understood you. 

No, that doesn't even make sense, i already explained I'm a solo f2p player if anything i benefit from this update, but what i meant is, an average player would have.. let's say 600-680, with legendary weapon u can reach up to 720 (with no hardcore gems) so.. if a average player within 600-680 joins in a party they will probably kick you depending on what class u are IF they want to do it quick or ''efficiently'', but when u have 710+ ap join it doesn't matter bc most likely they will let u stay.  Also i'm not sure what class u play, but having 2 kfm in 1 party in a 4 man happens literally like never.. only really good Kfms don't mind but i personally only seen it few times because it always results leaving or kicking.


Also i only upgraded my weapon only 1 month ago plus i had to get ALL mats required from stage 1 to 6 because like i said the difference isn't that significant on a kfm legendary, but its time i had to farm to make it up for not spending irl money. So its the TIME i value and want to get refunded not because they allowed other casuals to catch up, if this was money i spent i wouldn't mind, because in the end it helps support the game i enjoy.

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2 hours ago, Bot6 said:

Don't deserve? Legendarys have been long yes i agree, BUT to stage 3 and some classes like Kfm and Warlock that was a total crap deal, so we had to stick to true scorpion until stage 6 to even compete with true scorpion weapon and now they reduce the cost?? I'm totally pissed I have a stage 3 legendary on my Fm and the benefits some classes had even at stage 3 (Because of the reset) is OP and i wouldn't want a reset on her, but on my kfm that is total crap to be faced with this! I had to grind my ass off 24/7 to get the weapon on my kfm thinking many average players won't be able to catch up and whales might take me to their party's bc of my stage 6 legendary, but nope a solo f2p grinder gets slapped in the face with more grind and to make it worse reducing the costs by 55% making it a total unfair and super waste of time.

So I'm confused. You're mad that since stage 6 Baleful(guessing since you're a KFM) is not as great as you expected and that now they reduced the cost of it that it's not fair? This is a serious question, not trying to be sarcastic for once.


But if that's the case then, what?

I'm pretty sure you were aware of what you were getting into with already a great dps loss from going True Scorp to Legendary.

Seeing as how you're losing +20% damage to a skill you'll be using majority of the time for high burst and swapping that out with +5% damage to a skill that's used often but is not a huge increase in damage(not sure what build you are but going to assume Fire).


Now with this being said, it's been a whole month that you've had this weapon and now you realize it's crap? I'm sure you could've realized this within the first few days of having the legendary weapon lowered your dps and could've asked for a revert within those 7 days.

But anyways, I don't see why you think people who have had legendary weapons for months deserves a revert just because the materials got reduced. They were able to enjoy their Stage 3/6 weapon for this long and most likely profited from it.

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On 6.12.2016 at 10:33 PM, Bot6 said:

I have a stage 3 legendary on my Fm


On 6.12.2016 at 10:33 PM, Bot6 said:

I had to grind my ass off 24/7 to get the weapon on my kfm

Seriously, it cant be that hard for you if you have 2 characters with legendary weapon.


As said earlier, I am a f2p player, too. I never cashed for any event or reset scrolls but I got stage 6 legendary, stage 6 legendary neck, stage 9 legendary ring, 5 pieces legendary ss and now a stage 6 soul and still enough money left for bidding on the belt and upgrading my weapon if I get the orbs. All together 771 ap now without a single upgraded gem. You say you had to grind 24/7. What have you done all the time? I rarely play more than 2-3 hours because I don't wanna do things only to get money thats why I usually do DC and now the event dungeon + the new dungeon. Having 700+ ap is nothing special since a while but when people split there time and money on several characters of course they will have problems having end gear if they dont cash. Same with the refund. Sure, it would allow me to upgrade the soul maybe to 8 but thats it. It wouldnt change anything real. People who rarely play dont had legendary anyway and the people who had it at lets say stage 3+ have the time to play so they dont have to complain about lowered costs.

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