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Some clan in mushin creating ban list for people now in f8 o.O ?


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as the title says. i wake up today morn to hear/realize that some clan in mushin (server1) created a ban list of users in f8 and has been passing that in discord ? :x

what makes me laugh is this was created during the ddos period. time when i wasn't even able to do anything in f8/was busy with irl and surprisingly my main's name is on it ?o.O

and what's more surprising is ...i am from yunhwa/server6 who never even go regularly on f8 let alone every dungeon we do now takes at max 20mins  :v

so 2 questions that come up to my mind :

1. who are they to make such list ?

2. is that an open declaration/confrontation saying..people on that list are bad in pvp/pve ?o.O i would love to see them come in and  pvp me :v 

so ?

i don't care if its a miscommunication. the idea of creating such a list is itself a bad/sacrilious one  :v 

ow and keeping it nice and simple.



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1. If that list is for their personal use, we have no right to stop them either. Even if they pass it around to random people, it is up to them whether they want to follow the list or ignore it.


2. I am not sure if it is an open declaration, but if it is then they better add me into the list. I don't want to party with biased people too. Saves me the trouble of partying with them, if they leave when they see me XD

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its not only in mushin we also have such a lsit in eu  but these list mostly contain people thaht are evil and summoner bots / sandboxes   few examples people thaht purpously screw up the dugeons   liek in desolate  pickign up the boss with grabs then isntatly dropping it again causing overlaod and death to party  also  when i see like 2 summoners in my party and somehow magicly they have the same acount name and dont respond ingame  these list are for personal use only  and prevent us from runnign an entire dugeon or raid waisting liek 2 hours of time  tryign to kill a boss   

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