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AP Question


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1 hour ago, ExoReaperX said:

Right now my AP is 486.  how far up can i go in the elite dungeon list starting with Lair Of The Frozen Fang before the AP snobs (No Offence) get on my case

You should be around 550 ish AP since thats easy to get now. Perhaps tell us what gear you currently have then we can give you tips on how to raise it efficiently.

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Some AP snobs will also always blame the person with the lowest AP in party for any failure, except if it's themselves. :P


486 is decent if you know the dungeon mechanics. But you will find having a 5 as first number will reduce AP harassment a lot, so maybe invest in a few pirate upgrades for your accessories just for that. Also get the 28AP gem from ToI, if you have not already.

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