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BM vs WL tips/strategies?


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As a BM, I have had issues against most classes but I've managed to work around most of those. However, there are still 2 classes that still bug me to no end, and that's SUMM and WL. 


SUMM in my opinion is actually easier than WL since you can just pull them from their cat etc but when I face a decent WL it's just Cant target because they hide behind thrall, chains, chains, high damage aoe that I can't tell apart from chains or no damage aoes, chains, chains, back to hiding behind thrall, switches spots with thrall? chains chains chains chains chains chains aoes chains chains chains... you get the idea... any advice on this?

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Do you have HM Block for resist? If not that is the cause why it is hard for you, if yes you should be able to smack them into pieces.
When he summon thrall and root you you should just SS and run away from him waiting to waste his thrall - roots means he doesnt have any cancel def expect Leech - if you manage to learn the effect you will know that you can hold block whole time for over 45 sec once he uses it. If he doesn't have roots and he got block cancel then just ani-cancel your block while moving ( takes a lot of practice ). There is also good way to just use your shield from block - charge thrall - use tab and hold the rmb to kill it (if WL is close he will get some hits too)

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20 hours ago, Shîro said:

Do you have HM Block for resist? If not that is the cause why it is hard for you, if yes you should be able to smack them into pieces.
When he summon thrall and root you you should just SS and run away from him waiting to waste his thrall - roots means he doesnt have any cancel def expect Leech - if you manage to learn the effect you will know that you can hold block whole time for over 45 sec once he uses it. If he doesn't have roots and he got block cancel then just ani-cancel your block while moving ( takes a lot of practice ). There is also good way to just use your shield from block - charge thrall - use tab and hold the rmb to kill it (if WL is close he will get some hits too)

Yeeeeah I'm still relatively new so I don't have HM block yet =/ but whenever I ss out of his chains and block he just blows me up with some kind of aoe that bypasses block, same problem with me moving an ani cancelling block: he has some kind of skill that I can't block and he whittles me down while I'm trying to wait out his thrall... HM block is definitely already my next priority HM skill tho, so it would be nice if that fixes everything >_<

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