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Remove zen bean "reward" for losing


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No legit player cares for 6 frickin zen beans for losing as well as the insignificant exp, it might as well be 0. Removing this "reward", if it can even be called that, will solve the damn afk bot problem. No bot will bother ruining the PvP mode if there's no reward. Simple solution.

So f*cking tired of 90% of 3v3 matches being these infernal afk bots ruining the entire party's run. You block + report these bastards, then guess what? End up right back in the same party with them a minute later. Then it's another esc -> quit game, and reloading game. How fun.

No "using your own party" is not a solution because what if you're a new level 50? Or an alt? What are the chances you won't get kick from a party?

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Have fun reading ! :)


The reason bots are viable is that they actually get carried in silver elo. Some gold elo players do tags sometimes and thats when the bots get they beans. I have 1v3 silver tag ppl so it is possible. Other than that 6 beans is not much but what you dont know is that the guy who is running that bot program is at least running it on 10 pc (window xp + lowest config) if not more. Those gaming cafes in poor countries can make a shit ton of irl cash doing that.


So now if you think about it. That's 6x10 beans they earn each game I.e 60 beans. Let's say they make their 10 bots play 30 matches a day. That's 10x30x60 beans a day. 18k beans. That's 9 pouches of ss.

Lets say he gets an avg of 20 ss.


Sells them when ss price is around 20 silver. 36g minus fees.

Lets say he cant sell them every day and has to put orders on the market if that happens so we get a nice number we can use.

Boom. 33.33 gold. That's 1/3 of 100gold. 

I havent see the price of goldseller but last time it was 5eur=100g

And voila that's 1.7eur which converted in their currency can get them two meals. 


But ofc I based my calculations on the fact that this guy had 10 bots that played 30 games a day and only lose all of them. 

So what happens when they get carried ?

What happens when they play more or when the actual number of pc running bots is higher ?


Money. Real cash.


Not to mention that they sometimes scam gold buyers because they have no obligation to give gold. If you plan to buy 100eur of gold = 2000g. Then pray hard to receive it.


HOWEVER, if Ncsoft removes those rewards for 3v3 then no one will play. Bots will face each other more often and get more beans. 

The only viable way to destroy goldseller businesses is to reduce soulstone price to an extent where their profit will be close to nothing.

Ever wondered why we saw less bots in 1v1 ? Ss went from 40s to 20s thats half their profit gone. Make it 5s each and their disappear forever.


And that price is reachable only if we have a huge surplus of ss. Trove events, rng boxes are a great way to get whales money and kill gold business.



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Instead of giving beans for the losers, just give them a compensation ticket that can exchange for a chest of beans that equal to the rank, and require small dragon certificates.


Depend on your rank, you can exchange chest for your rank to get the beans.


Let make it require 5 tickets and 1 small certificate for 5 chests worth of beans gained from losing.


Bots cannot access certificates, so they can just sit there on their tickets. Meanwhile, unless you only pvp, you would have load of them. Dailies that give certificates are also easy to do, but impossible for bots.


If you make bean chests for winner too, also gated by certificates, you will also clean out the bots vs bots situation.


Also, daily quests in pvp should give certificate-gated tickets for beans too, instead of giving them freely away. Bots love free things.

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Still. The only way to tackle the gold business is to disrupt their source of income I.e. the soulstone by making it not worth farming.

Adding extra items like those certificates and chest in the game requires a certain amount of work. Having events too but events help the company get money.

Perhaps, adding soulstone in the daily dash would help. 20ss on 4 or more squares. 

By creating a surplus of ss its price will naturally decrease. 

This has been proved by every events that happened until now.

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On 9/20/2016 at 9:28 AM, Lee Ryu said:

Still. The only way to tackle the gold business is to disrupt their source of income I.e. the soulstone by making it not worth farming.

Adding extra items like those certificates and chest in the game requires a certain amount of work. Having events too but events help the company get money.

Perhaps, adding soulstone in the daily dash would help. 20ss on 4 or more squares. 

By creating a surplus of ss its price will naturally decrease. 

This has been proved by every events that happened until now.

And the best way to do that is for NCSoft to lower the prices on NCoins which are stupid expensive relative to gold exchange rates.  Feel free to change the cost of items in the shop relatively, but the cost of NCoins for gold exchange is outrageously high compared to just buying gold from a gold farmer which is their entire economic structure.


Another thing NC can do, which they HAVE done in other games is make cash shop items tradeable (within reason) and sellable on the open player market in game.   Another source of gold for players when the exchange rate is stupid high for no reason.


The ultimate goal being to reduce the dependency on gold farmers for gold in a game where making gold is incredibly difficult already.  Especially considering the bad system of bid wars for good loot that someone either needs or wants to sell for gold.

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