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asura vs. python bracelet with leg. necklace


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Hi all!


Does anyone has an idea if it may be usefull to use the asura bracelet again because we have the legendary necklace? At the moment I have 6100 crit (61%). I miss ~ 200 crit because I dont have a good oblivion ss #3 yet so I will have something above 6300 crit. With legendary necklace stage 5 (dont have it yet) I will have above 7000 crit. Taking out my bracelet now reduces my crit chance only by a few percent so I can assume that the crit chance from the necklace will give me only ~ 3% more crit chance. The crit damage from asura might be far better because I would stay at ~ 60% crit chance while having 2400 or so crit damage + 14% from soul shields. Only negative point are the ap on asura bracelet.


Does anyone have an idea what might be better? I dont know how to calculate it properly because of the ap.

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Asura bracelet > Python. Like few month ago for 4 class.


Asura bracelet > Python. All class with a buff on group.


Asura bracelet > Python. All class with a grab on group ?^^^^^^^^


Asura bracelet > Python. Definitely for all class with legendary necklace.



Obv i speak for a person who have get the crit cap, not for low geared ppl.




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On ‎30‎.‎08‎.‎2016 at 11:15 PM, Tiropat said:

(ap*crit%*crit damage+ap*not crit%)/[(ap-19)*(crit%-3%)*(crit damage+12%)+(ap-19)*(not crit% +3%)]

Ok, because I have the neck now, I did the math for that.


With the necklace I have now 705 ap, 64% crit and 230% crit damage.


(ap*crit%*crit damage+ap*not crit%)/[(ap-19)*(crit%-3%)*(crit damage+12%)+(ap-19)*(not crit% +3%)]

(705*64%*230%+705*100%) / [(705-19)*(64%-3%)*(230%+12%)+(705-19)*(100%+3%)]

= 1742,76 / [686*61%*242%+(686*103%)]

= 1742,76 / 1012,67 + 706,58

= 1742,76 / 1719,25

= 1,01


Any mistakes made by me? And does the result mean that python bracelet will do 1% more damage than asura bracelet?

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Idk something seems very off with the formula itself.


When i use asura bracelet i do less dps as compared to the true python even.

While asura gives you more crit damage, the true scorpio one with the AP, raises your general damage output.

For example with asura bracelet my damage range is: 8500-14000, with true scorpio its: 9500 - 15000 .


And when i used both the dps meter in fact showed me more damage with the true scorpio one than with the asura.

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On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 0:12 PM, Zedonia said:

Hi all!


Does anyone has an idea if it may be usefull to use the asura bracelet again because we have the legendary necklace? At the moment I have 6100 crit (61%). I miss ~ 200 crit because I dont have a good oblivion ss #3 yet so I will have something above 6300 crit. With legendary necklace stage 5 (dont have it yet) I will have above 7000 crit. Taking out my bracelet now reduces my crit chance only by a few percent so I can assume that the crit chance from the necklace will give me only ~ 3% more crit chance. The crit damage from asura might be far better because I would stay at ~ 60% crit chance while having 2400 or so crit damage + 14% from soul shields. Only negative point are the ap on asura bracelet.


Does anyone have an idea what might be better? I dont know how to calculate it properly because of the ap.

Generally classes that have a core skill that relies on them getting a crit will be better off with python, otherwise asura beats it out.  EX. warlock and shadow sin.


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1 hour ago, ItsPrimeTime said:

With math, Python bracelet wins against Asura bracelet. I've done plenty of calculations and the only time Asura would be better is if you don't have Python bracelet. Even if the difference is as minimal as 3-4% less crit, Python will win.

Doesn't hold true in actual testing, especially since there are so many buffs that give higher crit %.  On my destroyer/summoner/fm/kfm asura gives me a few % higher dps even solo.

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