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Premium Membership Link


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The link to premium membership is not working, I am trying to get 30days, but your link keeps putting me back to the login screen each time i log in then press the link I go back to the login screen. Please Fix

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I keep getting this error too now and my premium just expired today ;/


It says redirecting to login page please wait. then i login again, select my desired premium again and same loop error over and over of sending me back to the login page.


I am using Mozilla Firefox. (Have not tested with different browsers yet.)

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same here even sent a ticket... also tried buying Ncoin so i can just manually buy Ncoin (im force to buy 90days) but after i inputed my card details etc it just keep going back to the confirm order no matter how many time i checked the confirm and submit it jut keep sending me back to that page.....

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I am having the same issue and so is a friend, just because it isn't able to be reproduced on your end doesn't mean there isn't a problem with the site, refreshing a browser? really? friend has sent multiple tickets to cs and gets a copy paste " check with your financial institution" I submitted a ticket on her behalf and then checked my own account which is subbed for premium and tada, infinite loop, I can't even see MY billing info to modify if needed. the customer service is terrible and to actually respond " refresh your browser" ? what a joke, it's bugged or broken so fix it. At no point should a customer not be able to access their own billing information for any reason. did some digging and a new account isn't affected, the piece missing when stuck I nthat redirect loop is the credit card or paypal options to get to billing information so the error must be in there somewhere. had my wife look at it and she is a QA director of software, viewed the element and couldn't pick out anything on the buy now tab specifically out of order at a glance, have tried refresh, clearing cache, different machine windows 10 and 8.1 ( not that the os has anything to do with it but what the heck) because its what she does for a living and she said I am inclined to believe something in that part is broken, I am inclined to believe her. on the user end of existing accounts that is broken, so fix it, btw the link you provided dear moderator produces the same result.

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*bump*   Well said...ty still no fix, tried everything, and cant renew membership, or send a ticket.... and bought costume in store, you took my nc coins, but no costume  cant check my card info etc as isn't on site to check it...


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On 3. 7. 2016 at 6:22 PM, PhoenixMitra said:



We are unable to reproduce this error. Please refresh your browser and try again using this link: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/shop/premium/.


Team Blade & Soul

not work...

tryed everything, different browsers, deleteded cookies, history etc.



I am waiting 3rd week now (one week i got 7-days premium as a gift), so may i ask when will it works finally?!

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