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Need more tips in reducing stress while grinding

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Well.  The amount of grinding i need for upgrade my accessories are astronomical. Some mats can take longer to gather because either dead dungeon Or i simply can't go to X-server due to disconnection issue.   The X-server however may sometimes work But only for 1-2 or at best 3 runs before it gave me 1000 132 10054 again.


I really grow envious toward my guildies and friends who can do all those with no 1000 132 10054 ghosts slitting their neck from behind. or lagfest and skill delays in SSP.  Arena is off limit for me thanks to Ping and skill delay debuff. that essentially killed any attempt for decent evasion and self defense effort (I see the attack.. and SS but the SS got executed 3-4 seconds later)


Above really stressed me out somewhat.. one of my friend easily went on 490+ Ap in just hmm about a month. He farmed lots in Naryu, BSH and BSC while me got crippled whenever i attempted to enter. 


Well im still do daily and attempted..whatever i can to increase income so i can get the necessary mats but well clearly i can't make it as fast as those who farmed the 4-6 man X-server instances. 


Im already accepted the fact that grinding is necessary and upgrades should be a long term plan.  My Strategy to alleviate stress related to grindings are basically make more friends, active in clan or faction chat.. well basically anything that can make me smile. I have two friends now who always accompany me, we're complete strangers to each other and one are even from crimsons.  My crimson friend there got similar problem but seems to be not as often as i have.  We doing dailies together, and even drag the fight if one of us got DC and actually waited for her to return. 

However at some point.. honestly i feel like to blow out.  Especially after getting DC Fest. 


Clearly i need more input in stress management. Which is why i made this thread.  Oh anyway if someone interested in my play time.. i think it's pretty much casual 2-4 hrs. 


Things that tied me with this game are its beautiful art, BGM, storyline and basically the environment designs.  and i were happen to design my character to be "likeable" so i can always see her bubs when got bored X3


Thank you for any response.

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Pity you are on another server otherwise I would be glad to help you. I have my "philosophy" about grinding...I do what I want to do and when I want to do. If I'll upgrade after-tomorrow instead of tomorrow I'll sleep well anyway.


When I'm extremely bored by questing I'll go to farm outfits or essences for my alt. Sometimes I try outfits on wardrobe to check which is better for my FM o just for vanity. :D Another option is to unlock achievements (but rarely..I'm too lazy for this). When I'm in particular mood I'll go to some specific area to listen to BGM; some are really beautiful. Pity you can't set it running in background so I need to keep focus on client window to listen to it.


That's true I never had many connection problems and it was just because my both access point ofter were on holiday. Now I moved to powerline and it's much better. And I understand it could be really annoying to get disconnected every time.

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Yeah, I can understand your frustration with such error. I work in IT area so I know a bit about networking. I don't think the problem is totally NC Soft side but something in the route between your pc and NC Soft server. I don't know how it works in your country but, if it's possible, you must try with another provider, maybe going to some friend or using a USB internet pen or mobile. No need to play, it would be a nightmare with such slow speed :D, just to test connection stabiilty.


By the way I have an alt of alt on Mushin created when european server were down, so we could meet some day :)

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So i make a call to my ISP... the customer service however said that the company will take a look on it... Dunno if they will really do it.. but that's the best i could.


..odds are i will miss the vipercap event.  ;-; and not the that cute clothes ;-; Im already unable to go daily challenge...joining guildmates raid, unable to run SSP due to lag and skill delays and now vipercap ;-;


My friends that can go X-server basically make 4 times of what i can. i envy them so much >->


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Let's hope they'll solve the problem. 


Another test you could try, if you already didn't, is to create a char on EU server as different server means different routing and check if you'll be experienced by same problems.

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With regard to your  1000 132 10054 errors and crashes in cross server, I wanted to play devil's advocate and tell you a bit about my experience.


I used to play on my laptop, as my old pc had sadly died beyond repair. I would regularly get stupidly long loading screens in cross server, often resulting in 1000,132,10054 and me pulling my hair out. I researched and researched and the general consensus seemed to be.. blame NCsoft, bad optimisation, potato servers, etc.


I recently started building a new PC however, and haven't had a single 1000,132,10054 since! Things that stayed the same in my setup were the operating system (windows 10) and my internet connection. Things that changed were a latest gen i5 6600k, 4200 ddr4 ram, and a decent SSD. Due to budget restraints I currently run with onboard graphics. I do not have enough technical knowledge to explain this, but I am 99 times out of100 first person in the dungeon now, never get those error codes and can even manage highly populated areas like SSP, GHS without significant drops in performance.


I am NOT suggesting all the problems are your end, however my upgraded setup does seem to negate most of it. I still sometimes (maybe once a day) get a random DC forllowed by the error reporting window, and some spikes in latency.


My educated guess as to the change that fixed the socket errors I was getting, was PROBABLY the SSD, from what little I understand about the 1000,132,10054 socket error, it's to do with seek times, and windows eventually giving up and closing the program. An SSD is a great investment, and one that I would recommend anyone to make regardless of their bns experience.


Hope this offers at least some food for thought.

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22 minutes ago, BadgerFool said:

With regard to your  1000 132 10054 errors and crashes in cross server, I wanted to play devil's advocate and tell you a bit about my experience.


I used to play on my laptop, as my old pc had sadly died beyond repair. I would regularly get stupidly long loading screens in cross server, often resulting in 1000,132,10054 and me pulling my hair out. I researched and researched and the general consensus seemed to be.. blame NCsoft, bad optimisation, potato servers, etc.


I recently started building a new PC however, and haven't had a single 1000,132,10054 since! Things that stayed the same in my setup were the operating system (windows 10) and my internet connection. Things that changed were a latest gen i5 6600k, 4200 ddr4 ram, and a decent SSD. Due to budget restraints I currently run with onboard graphics. I do not have enough technical knowledge to explain this, but I am 99 times out of100 first person in the dungeon now, never get those error codes and can even manage highly populated areas like SSP, GHS without significant drops in performance.


I am NOT suggesting all the problems are your end, however my upgraded setup does seem to negate most of it. I still sometimes (maybe once a day) get a random DC forllowed by the error reporting window, and some spikes in latency.


My educated guess as to the change that fixed the socket errors I was getting, was PROBABLY the SSD, from what little I understand about the 1000,132,10054 socket error, it's to do with seek times, and windows eventually giving up and closing the program. An SSD is a great investment, and one that I would recommend anyone to make regardless of their bns experience.


Hope this offers at least some food for thought.

same with me, was having tons of issues, upgraded to a 4690k i5 and clocked it to 4.8GHz and i have no issues now. this game hardly uses my gtx 960 too, ive been telling people they dont need a killer gpu for this game, its all about the cpu. but to put it all in perspective i literally spent like 600 dollars upgrading for this game. so if you only play this it may not be worth it.


i could run fallout 4 on my old rig but this game brought it to its knees, last build i made the mistake of settling on an i3 to save some money, never again, i5 or bust.

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Well. unfortunately im not financially capable now. to afford for a rig change.  Already have a new motherboard but still need anything else.. like PSU. etc.


But thanks for the suggestion, i might go for I-5 if i have money to afford it.

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7 hours ago, JoannaRamira said:

Well. unfortunately im not financially capable now. to afford for a rig change.  Already have a new motherboard but still need anything else.. like PSU. etc.


But thanks for the suggestion, i might go for I-5 if i have money to afford it.

if you motherboard has the haswell socket the i5 i use was around 220 dollars, it was on sale on newegg. just make sure your board supports devils canyon or "haswell refresh" cpus. dont bother with the i7 series if you dont do extreme multitasking. my model i5 is like 20 points under the i7 model of the same line benched, which is mighty impressive. 


if 200 dollars is more affordable that would probably solve all your issues. skylake processors are not significantly better than haswell refresh models so you wont have to upgrade for awhile.   


ive used the same PSU for 3 builds now too. as long as its over 600 watts you should be golden unless your running a stupid amount of hardware. my new PC uses less power than my old one. computers are getting more efficient, and the 600watts is max load, your computer should never come close to maxing it out.

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