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So why summoners can...


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Just now, Lexter said:

I just asking how much idiotic is this class designed.

Whining it is.


If you spent more time in the arena and less crying about your lack of skill you wouldn't be having an issue fighting the noob stomper class.

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5 minutes ago, Lurkios said:

Whining it is.

If you spent more time in the arena and less crying about your lack of skill you wouldn't be having an issue fighting the noob stomper class.

I just asked for this nonsense and you start blaiming me. No more posts please. You are ridiculous.


Just now, amorent said:

Lurkios, chill since when summoner is a noob stomper class? The question is legit, summoners can interrupt bm's and sin's aerial combos, which is absurd

BDs too. Just for accuracy. I just dont understand this shit.

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3 minutes ago, amorent said:

At least, you are not a sin,sometimes, when a cat grabs a sin, trinket bugs out, and you can't do anything but take it from a sunflower spamming summoner.

Another shit. I realy feel with sins in this case.

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Why they shouldnt? Srsly wth u want now? easy win? 
Sin Perma stealth

Kfm Perma cc

Destro/Bd resist to cc almost everytime

Fm can block your point of view, can kite u into oblivion, can dash like fishes, also they can ice getting back almost hp and can deny ranged attks

Bm just spam cc/ block and in 1 good combo can kill u 

Wrlck Tab on reset CD and easy aoe dps
And u asking why we can control our pet?

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Just now, Lastino said:

Why they shouldnt? Srsly wth u want now? easy win? 
Sin Perma stealth

Kfm Perma cc

Destro/Bd resist to cc almost everytime

Fm can block your point of view, can kite u into oblivion, can dash like fishes, also they can ice getting back almost hp and can deny ranged attks

Bm just spam cc/ block and in 1 good combo can kill u 

Wrlck Tab on reset CD and easy aoe dps
And u asking why we can control our pet?

Exaggerating much? Must be nice to play a class, where you don't have to know anything about other classes and still pawn, amirite?

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19 minutes ago, Lastino said:

Why they shouldnt? Srsly wth u want know? easy win? 
Sin Perma stealth

Kfm Perma cc

Destro/Bd resist to cc almost everytime

Fm can block your point of view, can kite u into oblivion, can dash like fishes, also they can ice getting back almost hp and can deny ranged attks

Bm just spam cc/ block and in 1 good combo can kill u 

Wrlck Tab on reset CD and easy aoe dps
And u asking why we can control our pet?

I said, stop posting please.


I asked why sums can control pet while they are in the air or stun and we are out of their view. You changing me words, what is very rude. I whining? Jeasus, you look like biggest whinner on the forum. Again, please just stop posting your shit and let others respod.


Sums are realy strong without this. Can win be hidding and running as well, but i can beat sums.


Me point is clear.

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Maybe u dont understand that isnt the summoner controlling the pet but the player behind summoner, when u learn this u will find another world.

U stun the summoner not the pet, if u want do both go and play with a kfm

Summ=Pet WrongAF

P.s. u cant expect to not get shit if u are the first one to post shitty and nonseless questions.

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4 minutes ago, Lastino said:

Maybe u dont understand that isnt the summoner controlling the pet but the player behind summoner, when u learn this u will find another world.

U stun the summoner not the pet, if u want do both go and play with a kfm

Summ=Pet WrongAF

P.s. u cant expect to not getting shit if u are the first one to post shitty and nonseless questions.

You clearly dont understand. Cat is controled be master, summoner and this summoner is controled be player. In other way they are just two legit chars you can control. Absurd.

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Why do u think cat is controlled by summoner? Game is clearly saying u the opposite... Cat and Summoner are 2 different identities controlled by the player,they just help each others. Cat isnt a puppet that do nothing if  the puppeteer is in trouble and cant control him.

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23 minutes ago, Lastino said:

Why do u think cat is controlled by summoner? Game is clearly saying u the opposite... Cat and Summoner are 2 different identities controlled by the player,they just help each others. Cat isnt a puppet that do nothing if  the puppeteer is in trouble and cant control him.

Because this is just bad design. Legit two chars in pvp, realy funny. I cant expect you will agree with me. I saw many parties 3 sums. Realy funny fight with 6 chars opponent team.


Edit: I have summoner char. 30lvl, not playing with him, just because is so bad designed and not fun in pvp.

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I'm not annoyed by the fact that summoner can control cat while incapacitated. From RP perspective they're 2 different beings sharing a soul/telepathic link for all I care. However, what annoys me is that the cat, which is a melee character so to say, can attack you, daze you and grapple you in mid-air. Now that is a completely dumb mechanic. Players playing melee classes can't do shit when someone else performs air combos on a boss in PvE or a player in 3v3, but cat here is the king and can do anything it wants, huh? That I find unacceptable.


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The summoner got only 1 scape, the same one for grapple, grab, stun, knockdown (no counter at kock), etc, while other class (not all other class) got 2 scapes, 1 for grapple and another for stun daze, like 2 more for knockdown, i think that's why summ can control the cat while in cc, it's a kind of scape. Aslo if you don't like the cat because it does CC,  you want a summoner with only 1 daze as CC (if the summ spec it). The cat doesn't deal TONS of dmg like some ppl say, it almost deal no damage. I think the most OP thing about summoner, is the grab cat with 18s cd, when scape from grab is 36 cd. But some classes got 2 scapes to avoid this grab, so..

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