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Gearscore by tribunal-esports


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57 minutes ago, Equilibria said:

I found an interesting thread in the german forums about a gearscore web application


Link: http://www.tribunal-esports.de/playerscores/


Just type in your player name and get your global ranking. I think the results it shows you are pretty helpful for your char. dev.



Do you have to register for it to work? Cause I tried just putting my name in and it didn't come up.

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42 minutes ago, JubiBaby said:

Do you have to register for it to work? Cause I tried just putting my name in and it didn't come up.

Need to click your character, then you can also click Global Ranking.



That aside, I'm not sure if it really works that great. To compare:

This person, global rank 7 (just random high I clicked): 


Me, global rank 361, twice lower score: 



Comments on why my stats are supposedly crap are appreciated.






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8 minutes ago, Enhance said:

Need to click your character, then you can also click Global Ranking.



That aside, I'm not sure if it really works that great. To compare:

This person, global rank 7 (just random high I clicked): 


Me, global rank 361, twice lower score: 



Comments on why my stats are supposedly crap are appreciated.






Hell my name doesn't even come up in the search lol

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2 minutes ago, JubiBaby said:


Don't worry, it apparently thinks Awakened siren belt is the best belt and disregards all existence and strength of new bracelets/necklaces I:


Maybe later it'll be updated to expand on its options and maybe cover US too.

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2 minutes ago, Finsternis said:

Since they don't tell how they access their information, it is virtually worhtless.

Also, their definition of score is quite questionable.

There's a "scoring criteria" at the bottom explaining how they get the "score" (which is indeed questionable).

As for information, they take it from public BNS character info API:



Also, this guy lol. Can he be my sugardaddy :C



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3 minutes ago, Enhance said:

As for information, they take it from public BNS character info API:

Well, if they had stated their source I wouldn't have needed to question the integrity of their source? :p
Also, btw, is there an obvious way to find that api? Because I sure didn't on the webpage. Not that I searched alot, just curious now.

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1 minute ago, Finsternis said:

Well, if they had stated their source I wouldn't have needed to question the integrity of their source? :p
Also, btw, is there an obvious way to find that api? Because I sure didn't on the webpage. Not that I searched alot, just curious now.

*cough*web debugging proxy*cough* *cough*

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