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The Only Bots Are Destroyers?


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After I've gotten my ping to a quite playable ping (70-80).

I as an Assassin got matched up at least 18 times out of the 25 games I've played in PvP against destroyers, but not regular destroyers, noo. Bots.


I wonder if it's possible to beat them because sometimes I can actually predict what they're going to do, it seems like they're working on the same "program" because like for example i stun them like the third time and then they're just going to like jump on me so I already know that and I press 2 to counter it.

Some things are impossible to counter though, openers for example, they're just not do-able because every single time the bots get the better hand on me.

I've also noticed that when the bot finishes you off (2-0) he'll continue attacking you even after the match ended and you're just going to see him attacking with his reg attack (LMB).



So if anyone has some tips to beat those destroyer bots please write them here, me and a few other players who struggle against such things will really appreciate it.

Also, NCsoft, it's getting ridiculous, do something about it.

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I personally have to some trouble with them as well.  From what I saw on YouTube, they put a point in Swiftstep so you can knockdown it, don't bother with webbing and continue doing air combos as often as you can, use lotus fury to avoid their hurricane and gain some health.  I don't expect NCsoft doing anything about it, so my advice is don't spend any money, so you will not feel bad.

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Kiting them and throwing daggers/poison bombs whenever off cooldown is a 100% winrate against destroyer bots + tab->1->stun->air launch combo (don't web them it is pointless as they will turn to face you) after they blow their tab escape. Just run around and don't forget to put your flower down whenever off cooldown. When you know they are going to charge you/jump on you spam premptively your Q to iframe it.

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2 minutes ago, Anveena said:

Kiting them and throwing daggers/poison bombs whenever off cooldown is a 100% winrate against destroyer bots + tab->1->stun->air launch combo (don't web them it is pointless as they will turn to face you) after they blow their tab escape. Just run around and don't forget to put your flower down whenever off cooldown.

I won't suggest kiting them, the problem is they have some kind teleport hack that make running away from them extremely hard, one mistake they jump on you and you see your health decrease rapidly.  

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There more than 1 version of script on those destroyers, 1 is really easy to beat staying in stealth and depend on your poison to wear them down. I met 2 of these today.

There's these other kind resists pretty much all CCs and stunlock you as soon as you are out of stealth, spin everywhere and resist your poison, making it a lot harder.

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Pfff hahahahha, I had that problem too. But dont worry, blue buff op. Destroyer bots are easy: Stun them, they trinket, run, stun them again --> Blue Buff 100-0 easy.
KFM Bots are the real cancer. Still have to figure out how to fight em as Sin. Cant even go near without getting stunned.


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Well, I've gotten to 1706 (Gold Rank) after I've managed to deal with Destroyer bots.

Now when I play against them I find them so predictable so I just know what to do, I've read comments here and done those actions ingame, I've even seen videos on how to deal with them and I've executed the moves in-game and once I understood that as soon as they get stunned they stun-break (Tab out) then you can combo 'em to death, so that's what I pretty much do every single time right now I'm currently on a 100% win ratio against destroyer bots, still haven't found a real destroyer to fight against though. 


As for KFM bots, still haven't encountered them in-game and I hope I never will if you say they're even worse than Destroyer bots.

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