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Arena Platinum Hacker? Video.


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Can someone explain what happened and how I can lose when I am around 90% health and opposing player 14% and suddenly I lose but still I can move and walk around arena.

First time I see something like that.

Is that a hacker? Can I report that player?

Looks like higher ranked players are often bots or hackers and most of the normal players stays in Gold ranking because of that.



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What I see is that the match ended due to timer running out. At top middle it has timer going on for the match and "Duel Lost" message appeared when it hit 0. Not sure how the winner is decided in those cases when the round ends without either one dying.

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6 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

What I see is that the match ended due to timer running out. At top middle it has timer going on for the match and "Duel Lost" message appeared when it hit 0. Not sure how the winner is decided in those cases when the round ends without either one dying.

Played many matches where timer ended and it looked completely different. Match stopped and points score is calculated for both players where usually the player with a bit more health is winning by points. One time I killed other player cat and he didn't kill mine but he had more health and he won by points.

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1 minute ago, Lunakitty said:

Did in those other matches the opponent have one win? I clearly see in this video that your opponent had one win and the other one probably was seen as draw so the one win gives him the duel win.

First round he won by stun lock combo 100-0. But it does not matter in overall match score. Each round is calculated separate and if you win 2 rounds you will win whole match.

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Then I don't know. Arena mechanics aren't familiar to me since I don't really pvp. Hope you will find the real reason behind this,

I found this from the website: " Arena matches are best of three, with each round being determined by either the first player to reduce their opponent’s health to zero, or by the total amount of damage dealt within three minutes ". Maybe the reason is that you often went quite low in hp and then gained tons of it back making your opponent deal more damage during the time? Could be outdated info and changed in this patch version but maybe there's some truth behind this?

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16 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

Then I don't know. Arena mechanics aren't familiar to me since I don't really pvp. Hope you will find the real reason behind this,

I found this from the website: " Arena matches are best of three, with each round being determined by either the first player to reduce their opponent’s health to zero, or by the total amount of damage dealt within three minutes ". Maybe the reason is that you often went quite low in hp and then gained tons of it back making your opponent deal more damage during the time? Could be outdated info and changed in this patch version but maybe there's some truth behind this?

Found the video for you to show you how it looks when round timer ends and score is calculated. It is not my video but it is same for everyone. Watch from 15:20


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yes that was not a hack or cheat. It doesen't matter about how much Hp you left. The one wins who deals more Damage.

You heals a lot of HP back and then he can deal more damage, without your heal skill this match are already end.


They remove the calculation about the points maybe or just a bug they don't show us it anymore.

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It seems they remove the point calculation part (to speed things up) after timer runs out, or that was not intended but got bugged. Either way, he deals more damage than you causing you to lose to timer.

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