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I read in the patch notes that you can't get friend invites from someone you've blocked, they failed to mention that only applies to the "spammer block", and now the gold spammers just delete and create a new characters to send me another friend invite despite me blocking their ACCOUNT on the regular blocklist.... PLEASE NCSOFT, please fix it, it's annoying the living hell out of me to get the friend request every 5 minutes unless I friend them and "block spammer" them, just to get another friend request from the very same person with a new character at most 30 minutes later...


You have given your (naive) standpoint on vote-kick, but at least let me be unable to hear those god-awful gold spammers...

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Can we just remove the verification codes because all that does is slow down people? Then we can have security codes when we log in to prevent bots. Select certain images or enter some letters. Bots are everywhere and all we're doing is slowing them down with each ban wave put out.

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I agree, please make block account wide and make it block the name too so they can't reuse it. Heck give us a feature to shut down friend invites. It's getting idiotically annoying. Or at least a "f*ck you" button that blocks their account and reports them for TOS violation.

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There are right now two option:

Ignore those friend requests and leave them pending in the air. As long as you don't accept them and leave them pending they can not send you any new friend request.


Option2: Accept the friend request and then block and spam block the account (all characters of this account) that send the request. Though, since the blocklist is not shared throughout your account, you have to do this with every character.

(thats the methode i do right now, accepting the request once and block them with every character before i delete those bots out of the friendlist)

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