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Solution to massive crashes on Silverfrost patch


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It's easy to both overlook and underlook issues when trying to find solutions for such errors.

A friend suggested this and it worked fine for me.


Cause: Corrupt files



-Launch the game through launcher and keep the launcher up in the background, don't close it.

-Play like there's no tomorrow, go ham on everything just as if you'r begging the game to crash.

-When it finally crashes, locate your Client.exe processor in the task manager and kill it.

-Go back to the launcher you had kept open, click on File Repair (It might be gray, just click on it).

-Wait for it to repair it all, might take 10 minutes.

-Close it and restart launcher, and tell us how it went.




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-I cant close the launcher after the Game has been started, cause the game just close if I would do this

-My launcher turns into a small/tiny window after hitting the "play" button, so if If I crash I cant klick anything within the launcher, and need to kill it like the client launcher via the Taskmanager ...

-I used the Repair function multiple times without success.



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  • 1 year later...

well I did everything you said and it still crashed.

But maybe my problem is different because I have 2 accounts and one of them is located on Silverfrost Mountain. I can play the game on my other account but not on the one on SilverFrost Mountain. It just won t let me play after character selection it s loading and then when it s about to enter the game it just crashes and an error pops up. What should I do ?

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On ‎21‎.‎07‎.‎2017‎ г. at 1:41 PM, Vasilisa said:

well I did everything you said and it still crashed.

But maybe my problem is different because I have 2 accounts and one of them is located on Silverfrost Mountain. I can play the game on my other account but not on the one on SilverFrost Mountain. It just won t let me play after character selection it s loading and then when it s about to enter the game it just crashes and an error pops up. What should I do ?

Have you tried reinstalling the game, I mean, clean install. I had problem with some bad textures on Blackram Supply Chain (Poharan) and file repair wasn't helping (to make it clear, the ramps that you jump down to get to Tae Jangum were missing) so I made a clean install and it got fixed, also my client folder got 16GB smaller than before (from 10GB free space I have 26GB free space on that partition now).


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