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Asssassin Or FM For PVE

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Ok so i know this topic can be looked at in 101 ways but stay with me and i explain, too my right is a asassin player to my left is a FM play (real life friends), my friends have been going over the pros and cons of both classes for a while now and need more in put so here are the 5 points that we like you opinion on. Thank you and time to hate us :)


!) Name your top pro and con (PVE Only) for each 

2) easiest to level (solo)

3) Best mob killer

4) Best boss killer

5) Best survivability 

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1) FMs: Tons of dmg, best dps in the game / Very squishy

    SINs: Good Dps and can permahide / Very borring to play

2) I would say Sins are easiest, because of their stealth mode you can rush dungeons without killing mobs when u use your stealth correctly etc really fast to level up a sin

3) FMs because of their aoes

4) SINs with their perma stealth => they can solo every dungeons/WB

5) I would say sins too because they have a lot of escape, the decoy, tab + 1, E etc etc You can easily be safe with your escape if you are in a bad situation. You can't with the FMs

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1) FM lots of party defense skills.
AS will get a party buff skill (crit dmg, crit rate, life leech).
2) Easiest to solo, FM. More AoE.
3) FM, more AoE.
4) FM, ranged dps, safer. (In party play).
5) FM, ranged dps, more defense skills (1 personal stasis + 1 party stasis + 1 projectile protect).

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FM doesn't have more defensive skills than sins, they aren't safer than sins too because sins have a stealthmode.

For soloing FMs aren't that good :o I mean, they are perfect for a group, but for the leveling and the solo aspect sins are clearly better. 


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I tried FM most so I will give info only about FMs:

1-Imo,top pro for FMs is that they are ranged,fast attacks,mobile and have tons of healing sustain.(speaking specially of Frost FMs)

Cons for FM:you need to know how to anicancel some skills because they are performed after a delay if you dont..That is abit harder for high ping I guess.

You have no stealth,no pet,no thrall..You only have some shields and good sustain to stay alive..FMs don't have that much reliable CC,imo.yes you can freeze lock and impact but freeze doesn't root most of bosses as it does to normal mobs and its easier for mobs to escape from freeze..Not to mention,FM phantom grip doesn't work on bosses either.I heard BD ones worked on bosses. :(


2-Both have their ups and downs really so I am not sure who levels faster but it would depend on how you level.For me,FM was easier to level specially starting from like level 20.Blazing beam can 1 hit any mobs earlier..You can pull whole dungeons and AOE them to death later..Dragonchar no cast time no CD AOE but takes tons of focus so if you do the focus recovery from fire C skill you can spam it as much as you like till focus recovery is over..Phantom grip stage 3 and 4 pull mobs together to an area so you can AOE them easier..FMs have many AOEs that can help kill tons of mobs in little time as long as you know how to sustain the damage and pull.Assassins have perma stealth yea and they kill stuff fast but again Idk much about assassins.


3-FMs are pretty good mob killers specially if you get stage 3 frost fury,it gives you tons of lifesteal and specially if you stack up good crits so you wont need to use pots or dumplings most of time while fire does burst mobs faster and kills them before they even reach you.FMs are a very flexible class,they can suit many styles of play.Assassins are probably even faster than FMs and they deal tons of damage but Idk who is better out of both classes.


4-If you mean party bosses,I think FMs offer more support and for solo bosses,As FM,you have both good sustain and good damage and a rooting freeze lock (doesn't work on many bosses though) so as long as bosses don't deal ridiculous damage and you can actually damage them (they don't resist or go invincible alot for example),you can get almost any boss.As for assassins,I am not sure but they seem to do well vs almost any boss that doesn't AOE alot solo,thanks to their perma stealth.However,I still haven't still tried them much so I can't answer that question either.


5-With frost,FMs have tons of survivability not through hard defense but through great sustain.They simply have many heals (mostly self heals) and 2 invincible skills (frost armor and frost sheath).Assassins do have tons of stealth and other stuff though that they can get mobs not to even be able to attack them but I have not tried assassins much myself so i cant tell who is best out of the 2 classes.


Remember,my answers are about FM as I have not tried assassin that much so I mostly told you what FMs can do well imo.I hope the info helps.


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FM don't have more defensive skills ? I thought so. 
Both of them can put a projectile defense area. 
AS can put party stealth protection.

FM have that party buff that put you on stasis when you're hit.
FM have that personnal stasis too.
Then both of them have a set of counter / resist skills.

For example, when Slashimi uses that burning water, can a AS do something to prevent his team from taking damage ? 

For leveling I think FM is easier. They can just kill a target from a distance and switch. Even if AS can stealth, you need to stealth. It's not difficult but it's just way easier to just pew pew than stealth. 
For soloing dungeon, yes, as you said, AS is better, but I think it wasn't part of the questions.

A point that AS is better is, at pulling allies out of the firewalls. They're the ones with the highest range. Other classes might die if they try.

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I am playing both classes:


1. FM: Very easy to play and deal very much damage with small effort. 

Assassins: Difficult to play but once it is mastered you can dish out tons of damage + it's support skills on 50 are one of the bests 

2. Both are pretty easy solo classes but assassin have it easier in general. 

3. FM (if it's a group of mobs) 

4. Both (especially with the latest skillpatch assassins dps is on par with FMs). 

5. FM because of the safe distance to deal damage. 


Everyone who says smth different as the thing written above has no idea about the 50 content. 


Also 1 thing to add:

Forget your perma stealth sin - there are 2 ways in playing assassin (stealth and non-stealth build) and both have their advantage. 

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