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Destroyer Spinning Solution


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Okay have you ever said to yourself " Those spinning guys with the axes have a HUGE unfair advantage being able to spin in circles and block everything blah blah blah" So my idea for this is to introduce a camera angle so that when a Destro goes into their spin move ,The player's camera who is using the destroyer spins with the motion of the toon, round and round at the same speed the destro is spinning . SO they can use the move and it will work the same but they will be disoriented and some might even get sick from doing it right there at their keyboards! So using it too much WILL have consequences! Problem solved. :D

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1 minute ago, FeintDelusions said:



Okay have you ever said to yourself " Those spinning guys with the axes have a HUGE unfair advantage being able to spin in circles and block everything blah blah blah"


I've never once thought this was the case. You should go 1v1 arenas, I'm sure the dest bots will teach you a few things.

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4 minutes ago, RyceCream said:


I've never once thought this was the case. You should go 1v1 arenas, I'm sure the dest bots will teach you a few things.

Yeaaa......I'm clearly joking but way to be a lil forum weenie and just post something snide for no apparent reason.

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9 minutes ago, RyceCream said:


I've never once thought this was the case. You should go 1v1 arenas, I'm sure the dest bots will teach you a few things.


The difference is you've got a free win against the bot if you're actually worth a lick of salt.

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It's half a joke. Destroyers are the easiest class to be cheap with which is why they are used by mindless gold spam farmers as bots by the thousands. It's not some secret or anything that can be defended. I have no trouble beating destroyers or anything. I just think that it would be funny and even be kinda fair if when they went into their invulnerable spins that their camera moved in circles really fast or their screen blured or something to make up for the stupid over powered unbalanced nature of the move. But yeah there is no point in having a serious conversation about anything in the salt mines, er wups I mean the forums it's all fun and games right? xD....right?....

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