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Broken Warlock skills


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First can I suggest that we start a thread like this for every class because every class I have on my 3 players has broken skills.


Rupture (tooltip):


The tooltip states that the prerequisites are critical bombardment, dimensional volley critical, dimensional salvo hit. It doesn't specify what dimensional volley or dimensional salvo are and they don't appear in my skill book. I suggest that (apart from the grammatical improvements that all skill descriptions need) this skill has extra detail added.



Awakened Rupture (tooltip):


This skill has the same pre-requisites as Rupture. However the description also states "available during Soul Burn". Is that a pre-requisite? This skill's tooltip needs improvement.



Retreat (broken):


This skill is supposed to allow you to escape from knock down, daze and unconscious. In a controlled condition duel with my friend, he knocked me unconscious and the skill did not become available. Nor did pressing the corresponding key break unconscious.



Imprison (broken):


I have seen other people comment on this in another post. After Imprison finishes (apparently - the tooltip needs improvement), Dragoncall is meant to become an instant cast. It doesn't.



I still need to test all the other knock down escapes etc.


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for Rupture:  Dimensional Volley/Salvo is in the skill tree for Bombardment.  It changes Bombardment into Dimensional Volley/Salvo.

for Awakened Rupture:  All awakened skills for all classes require you to be in Soul Burn for them to work.

for Imprison:  I never have any problem with this.  I constantly use Imprison to instant cast Dragoncall/Wingstorm.  Are you standing still through the use of Imprison?  You have to stand still through the entirety of Imprison, and then Dragoncall and Wingstorm will switch and show up blue on your skill bar, meaning they're instant cast.

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5 minutes ago, IridianRay said:

for Rupture:  Dimensional Volley/Salvo is in the skill tree for Bombardment.  It changes Bombardment into Dimensional Volley/Salvo.

for Awakened Rupture:  All awakened skills for all classes require you to be in Soul Burn for them to work.

for Imprison:  I never have any problem with this.  I constantly use Imprison to instant cast Dragoncall/Wingstorm.  Are you standing still through the use of Imprison?  You have to stand still through the entirety of Imprison, and then Dragoncall and Wingstorm will switch and show up blue on your skill bar, meaning they're instant cast.

^ ive never had any issues my only issue which seems a bit buggy is rupture sometimes it stays after u get a crit bombard when u use another skill but sometimes it disappears 

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After discussing on another thread and managing to find a boss mob or two to practise on...


For "Imprison", the tooltip is wrong. It doesn't make Dragoncall etc. instant cast. It's more that it makes it castable while moving or casting other spells. I have seen one post that suggests that on the original Korean servers it genuinely is instant cast, but the effect here is that once triggered it will cast as usual after the usual time, but will do so even when moving or casting other abilities.


About rupture, I don't have skill trees etc., but I was surprised the other day when what looked like the icon for Rupture appeared briefly. As a guess, I critted with Bombardment. In any case the tooltip needs to be clearer.


As a guess, the tooltips were all auto-generated from the game engine code using pre set phrases - which may explain capitalised words in the middle of sentences. They need improving for all classes because at the moment they are incomprehensible. Having handy target dummies to experiment with possible meanings would help - but alas there are none until end game.


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out of my sight there is no big problem, of course u will find some translation issues if u compare with the german tooltip (there are wrong descriptions on both sides e.g. the pull on Q Triggers 5 "Times" not 5 enemies) but it would be too much if u need exat infos about how to get the state what is effecting another skill etc.etc.


Just look on ur new skills during lvl phase and "read" a bit, the skill system in BnS is realy not that hard to understand.


I Mean hints like "availible during Soul Burn" .. what else should it be then a pre-requisite

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Dunno if any of you noticed that, but moved out of curiosity, i tried out: summon Thrall (def or attack stance), gain the 32 secs of duration on his spawn, before it fades, switch the stance and you gain back his 32 secs of life. Dunno if can be considered a bug or an exploit tbh, still, something to be fixed.

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