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An "Idea" I have for leech and bad troll players


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So here an idea. A voting system (OKAY! stay with me on this) for players who are leeching or trolling in group. How it work is that you vote on their performance in the dungeon.


When you have someone who is leeching or just giving you a bad time you select to vote and fill out a small prompt on why you are voting. (I can already hear the angry typing but please hear me out until the end and you can bash me)


How it works is, after this person has "accumulated enough" bad votes they get tagged and are unable to do dungeons for a short time, making it where they must wait to start leeching again and if they accumulate more points the time is longer for it to reset. If people don't get enough points after awhile they just set back to 0 and they start clean.


This system can only be used in Cross-server dungeons and 1 group can only vote once, that way it's harder for it to be abused.


This is just my personal idea and I would love to hear you're guys thoughts on how it can improved or if it just a really bad idea and I'm just a really bad player who needs to stop crying.

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8 hours ago, MadnessCaffe said:

Yea but people can give you bad votes on purpose even if you don't leech or troll...

again you have to get a set amount of reports. it can't just be a group or a few people. you have to be abusing the parties a few times for you to get flagged and once you do the system will only lock you out for like an hour and then more if you keep getting reported and then at the end of the day when everything reset you go back to normal. Or something like that.

It's like, no matter what system we use, it will always have flaws. I'm just trying to come up with something that works and can be misused the least while making everyone happy.

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Whats the point of this feature?.. it just seems like a shittier version of the vote kick option. All the other MMO has a kick function, whether its leader decide or a majority kick they both have its flaws but at least they are more useful than the suggestion you gave.

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21 hours ago, Aulann said:

So here an idea. A voting system (OKAY! stay with me on this) for players who are leeching or trolling in group. How it work is that you vote on their performance in the dungeon.


When you have someone who is leeching or just giving you a bad time you select to vote and fill out a small prompt on why you are voting. (I can already hear the angry typing but please hear me out until the end and you can bash me)


How it works is, after this person has "accumulated enough" bad votes they get tagged and are unable to do dungeons for a short time, making it where they must wait to start leeching again and if they accumulate more points the time is longer for it to reset. If people don't get enough points after awhile they just set back to 0 and they start clean.


This system can only be used in Cross-server dungeons and 1 group can only vote once, that way it's harder for it to be abused.


This is just my personal idea and I would love to hear you're guys thoughts on how it can improved or if it just a really bad idea and I'm just a really bad player who needs to stop crying.

League of legend had a similar system before, I got reported for pentakill(meaning u managed to kill the entire enemy team urself with or without help from teammates) but u still get reported and banned, then u get reported and banned for being bad at a role, u get reported for a little misplay...



Oh if bns implements this... while it's for benefit but it will become abusive XD, this guy outbidded me>report for troll bidder, 


This guy soloed the boss through rage timer >report for hax...


So no, if a voting system for delayed entrance, at least u need mods monitoring every vote so that it's not abused... or the delay timer starts applying on a later date which will mean it fails to serve it's purpose.


We just need more mods and gms that's all. I mean those that actually monitor and do work to the game

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 Ya cause this wouldnt get abused to high heaven, there will be even more trolls that just bad vote everyone in their party just to do it and you will have more then 1 troll so you will get more then 1 bad vote over your dungeon grinding, dumb idea, go back to the drawing board and remember the playerbase of this game, any troll tools will be used by the majority of 12 year olds and grown men living in their parents house with the brain of 12 year olds

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Well dont really see point of that sort of system as it would hardly change anytihng. You could still troll away and then just do your stuff before you repeat it a faster solution in form of fast kick is better. And yeah it could get abused as in ppl could down vote you for anything not just trolling eg. gear or just to troll you if its group of friends...

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