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Stuck at 1800 - Hit a wall


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I don't enjoy 1v1 in the slightest but I am trying to just get to plat for soulstones, this is pretty much a day of 1v1 for me: (I'm FM)


Sin = run away 24/7 then combo, run away, if I start to win they play extra defensive making it impossible to actually kill them in a combo


Destro = don't have much issues here but there is a few that just rofl stomp me in seconds with that stupid rage ability.


Blade cancer = resist resist air combo resist resist air combo, 50/50 for me.


BM = No problems at all


KFM = decent but then I just meet one which 100-0s me after I have t use my tab... not sure why any class should be able to do this.


Summ = eh, boring fight but not difficult


My main issue atm seems to be Assassins which just run away constantly then when I catch them FINALLY they get out of it only to run around again until their escape cds are back up. Also my abilities seem to have a delay, many times when I've been hitting SS or my Q / E it doesn't even do anything until a few seconds later, same with my stuns, I struggle to stun with freeze + 1 spam because it feels like a delay in between every time.

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31 minutes ago, candytripn said:

You're lucky as shit.. I'm breaking 1800 and still only face destro bots, this last one able to phase through you and perma resist. Faced it 3 times now... there was one or two summoners in between, but shit, I never face real people >_<

How is that lucky? bots are free wins, encountered them in the 1700 zone and it was a walk in the park, i'd gladly fight bots just to get plat lol

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Ha, I am too stuck at 1800 with my destro as I cannot pass the wall of assassins in EU ladder. And no bots at that level, only people, so no free wins. Its like this, I get a row of summoners, I gain ELO, then row of assasins and lose ELO, rince and repeat.

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1 hour ago, Vecejj said:

I don't enjoy 1v1 in the slightest but I am trying to just get to plat for soulstones, this is pretty much a day of 1v1 for me: (I'm FM)


Sin = run away 24/7 then combo, run away, if I start to win they play extra defensive making it impossible to actually kill them in a combo


Destro = don't have much issues here but there is a few that just rofl stomp me in seconds with that stupid rage ability.


Blade cancer = resist resist air combo resist resist air combo, 50/50 for me.


BM = No problems at all


KFM = decent but then I just meet one which 100-0s me after I have t use my tab... not sure why any class should be able to do this.


Summ = eh, boring fight but not difficult


My main issue atm seems to be Assassins which just run away constantly then when I catch them FINALLY they get out of it only to run around again until their escape cds are back up. Also my abilities seem to have a delay, many times when I've been hitting SS or my Q / E it doesn't even do anything until a few seconds later, same with my stuns, I struggle to stun with freeze + 1 spam because it feels like a delay in between every time.


I have no idea who you've faced so far if you're saying BM is "No problem" and KFM is "decent". Blade masters are the worst matchup for FM as far as I know. Call me bad, but after 500+ matches I still have no clue how to fight a skilled BM as FM.


As for others, you seem to be lacking the knowledge about their skills. Assassins are probably the most fun matchup for me now, because I have an assassin and I know their skills and it's usually a more or less equal matchup (in fact, I believe I have an upper hand by just being an FM). I'll comment on your comments to maybe make it more clear.


Sin = run away 24/7 then combo, run away, if I start to win they play extra defensive making it impossible to actually kill them in a combo

- When sin is in stealth, their shuriken turns into a knife toss with 15-second debuff that will let them teleport to you and daze you at any time, plus a poison one. Most assassins start off by using that exact move (stealth + mark), sometimes tossing a mine too. Using your divine veil/frost sheath can negate that and make them waste it (in 1800s, most assassins don't know that it doesn't work this way.

- If you did get marked, and they're walking somewhere away, you can start spamming F and you'll roll as soon as they daze you.

- Most assassins would use tab when you grab them (4). Learn to use your Q/E at the same time to dodge the flashbang and start impacting away at them asap.

- Expect decoys. When assassin has it off cooldown, he'll use a decoy eventually, Bait it out with some non-counterable skill (ice coil) or risk it with a Glacial Beam which doesn't have an easily counterable projectile.

- Try to keep a stack of Chill on them, that prevents them from using dash and stealthing.

- If they switch places with you and rush at your back (implying they had no chill), you can SS out of it and that breaks their stealth & freezes them. They'll likely waste a backstep on this, so apply more freeze and start screwing with their back (don't fall for Decoy).

Could probably write more but this should be enough.


Destro = don't have much issues here but there is a few that just rofl stomp me in seconds with that stupid rage ability.

- You know about rage, now EXPECT it. Destroyers won't try to pop their rage before you wasted your tab and roll/backstep (unless they suck). So save those for when you see them activate it, and Frost Armor/Frost Sheath and wait it out. Try using divine veil to avoid their ranged daze pull, and use frost fury/dragonfrost to kite them and apply damage through spin. Expect a daze pounce when they're running low on focus, and don't fall for deflect.


Blade cancer = resist resist air combo resist resist air combo, 50/50 for me.

- Blade dancer relies a lot on focus management and recovery. Their small blade toss recovers tons of focus, and they'll usually try to do it as part of aerial combo. It has a rather low CD (I believe about 12 seconds), so expect them to throw it at you anytime they have it available. You can resist it in air if you pop your Divine Veil before you get knocked up, and you can resist it on ground with V/Q/E/Tab or even just stunning them before blade connects (yes! you can glacial beam counter it! woo!) 

- Try especially hard to not get deflected. Not only does it stun you, it also recovers their focus. Learn the timing to attack and watch them switch from a beyblade to standing frozen in place spamming their normal attack.

- Spinning small dagger around them = hp recovery and resisting status effects/few attacks. Whittle it down with RMB/LMB (but don't get deflected).

- They have a few (I believe 2) ranged dashes with CC. If you can dodge them/resist them, you're the man and you got it in the bag.


BM = No problems at all

I'm not sure what kind of BMs have you faced, but probably those that didn't know jack about FM. I had matches like that at first too, just rolling my face on keyboard and watching them act all confused why they can't turn the camera. Then decently skilled BMs came my way, and I dread meeting them now. The only things to break block with that you have are specced Snowball and Force Grip. Snowball can be quite easy to throw at BMs that spam counter and lets you do 6 seconds of some damage, but good ones will run away during that time or just... not spam block. Instead they'll just block at the right times, then CC you and combo you down to nothing. 


KFM = decent but then I just meet one which 100-0s me after I have t use my tab... not sure why any class should be able to do this.

I admit I have issues with KFM since I don't know their skills. There are three categories of KFMs that I meet:

- People just new at KFM and trying to PvE me. Those are the ones that are rather easy to win against, though they're more rare in higher ranks.

- People that are good at KFM. I have little idea what their skills do, and I likely fail horribly, but I'm still learning. Their block is not as obnoxious as BM's, but their agility can be a pain. The trick to avoid 100-0 combo is similar to Destroyers - do not blow your tab needlessly. It's one of the basics in this game, as far as I know. Sometimes I win against them, so that's nice.

- Bots. Bot KFMs that turn in freeze and use skills with no cooldown. I can't help you with this one as I have no idea what can be done against them.


Summ = eh, boring fight but not difficult

Well said. Boring and exhausting, but it's a fine matchup.

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39 minutes ago, Somnolence said:

Ha, I am too stuck at 1800 with my destro as I cannot pass the wall of assassins in EU ladder. And no bots at that level, only people, so no free wins. Its like this, I get a row of summoners, I gain ELO, then row of assasins and lose ELO, rince and repeat.

This is me exactly, work my ass off fighting every class then get a streak of Sins that just run away stealth do combo run away stealth combo etc. etc. I just gave up for now, too tired to spend 10 minutes looking for some silly shimmer.

7 minutes ago, Enhance said:



I have no idea who you've faced so far if you're saying BM is "No problem" and KFM is "decent". Blade masters are the worst matchup for FM as far as I know. Call me bad, but after 500+ matches I still have no clue how to fight a skilled BM as FM.


As for others, you seem to be lacking the knowledge about their skills. Assassins are probably the most fun matchup for me now, because I have an assassin and I know their skills and it's usually a more or less equal matchup (in fact, I believe I have an upper hand by just being an FM). I'll comment on your comments to maybe make it more clear.


Sin = run away 24/7 then combo, run away, if I start to win they play extra defensive making it impossible to actually kill them in a combo

- When sin is in stealth, their shuriken turns into a knife toss with 15-second debuff that will let them teleport to you and daze you at any time, plus a poison one. Most assassins start off by using that exact move (stealth + mark), sometimes tossing a mine too. Using your divine veil/frost sheath can negate that and make them waste it (in 1800s, most assassins don't know that it doesn't work this way.

- If you did get marked, and they're walking somewhere away, you can start spamming F and you'll roll as soon as they daze you.

- Most assassins would use tab when you grab them (4). Learn to use your Q/E at the same time to dodge the flashbang and start impacting away at them asap.

- Expect decoys. When assassin has it off cooldown, he'll use a decoy eventually, Bait it out with some non-counterable skill (ice coil) or risk it with a Glacial Beam which doesn't have an easily counterable projectile.

- Try to keep a stack of Chill on them, that prevents them from using dash and stealthing.

- If they switch places with you and rush at your back (implying they had no chill), you can SS out of it and that breaks their stealth & freezes them. They'll likely waste a backstep on this, so apply more freeze and start screwing with their back (don't fall for Decoy).

Could probably write more but this should be enough.


Destro = don't have much issues here but there is a few that just rofl stomp me in seconds with that stupid rage ability.

- You know about rage, now EXPECT it. Destroyers won't try to pop their rage before you wasted your tab and roll/backstep (unless they suck). So save those for when you see them activate it, and Frost Armor/Frost Sheath and wait it out. Try using divine veil to avoid their ranged daze pull, and use frost fury/dragonfrost to kite them and apply damage through spin. Expect a daze pounce when they're running low on focus, and don't fall for deflect.


Blade cancer = resist resist air combo resist resist air combo, 50/50 for me.

- Blade dancer relies a lot on focus management and recovery. Their small blade toss recovers tons of focus, and they'll usually try to do it as part of aerial combo. It has a rather low CD (I believe about 12 seconds), so expect them to throw it at you anytime they have it available. You can resist it in air if you pop your Divine Veil before you get knocked up, and you can resist it on ground with V/Q/E/Tab or even just stunning them before blade connects (yes! you can glacial beam counter it! woo!) 

- Try especially hard to not get deflected. Not only does it stun you, it also recovers their focus. Learn the timing to attack and watch them switch from a beyblade to standing frozen in place spamming their normal attack.

- Spinning small dagger around them = hp recovery and resisting status effects/few attacks. Whittle it down with RMB/LMB (but don't get deflected).

- They have a few (I believe 2) ranged dashes with CC. If you can dodge them/resist them, you're the man and you got it in the bag.


BM = No problems at all

I'm not sure what kind of BMs have you faced, but probably those that didn't know jack about FM. I had matches like that at first too, just rolling my face on keyboard and watching them act all confused why they can't turn the camera. Then decently skilled BMs came my way, and I dread meeting them now. The only things to break block with that you have are specced Snowball and Force Grip. Snowball can be quite easy to throw at BMs that spam counter and lets you do 6 seconds of some damage, but good ones will run away during that time or just... not spam block. Instead they'll just block at the right times, then CC you and combo you down to nothing. 


KFM = decent but then I just meet one which 100-0s me after I have t use my tab... not sure why any class should be able to do this.

I admit I have issues with KFM since I don't know their skills. There are three categories of KFMs that I meet:

- People just new at KFM and trying to PvE me. Those are the ones that are rather easy to win against, though they're more rare in higher ranks.

- People that are good at KFM. I have little idea what their skills do, and I likely fail horribly, but I'm still learning. Their block is not as obnoxious as BM's, but their agility can be a pain. The trick to avoid 100-0 combo is similar to Destroyers - do not blow your tab needlessly. It's one of the basics in this game, as far as I know. Sometimes I win against them, so that's nice.

- Bots. Bot KFMs that turn in freeze and use skills with no cooldown. I can't help you with this one as I have no idea what can be done against them.


Summ = eh, boring fight but not difficult

Well said. Boring and exhausting, but it's a fine matchup.

Nice tips, I do actually do all of the above believe it or not, not just a QQ thread ^^ I've watched plenty of guides, builds and done plenty of tag to learn everything about every other class. I actually know how to counter sin, i know all of their counters but it's all easier said than done. It's just more of watching out for a shimmer constantly, it's incredibly boring to say the least and I do arena for fun not some lame spot the moron running away.


Destro / KFM are same for me, I can beat a good one of either but if you make one mistake vs these 2 then you're pretty much dead, all there is to it really.


BM I've never struggled with, fought a plat BM and did just fine, lost to 2 so far I believe. Just burst them down during frost tornado debuff, start a combo from there.

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18 minutes ago, Vecejj said:

This is me exactly, work my ass off fighting every class then get a streak of Sins that just run away stealth do combo run away stealth combo etc. etc. I just gave up for now, too tired to spend 10 minutes looking for some silly shimmer.

Nice tips, I do actually do all of the above believe it or not, not just a QQ thread ^^ I've watched plenty of guides, builds and done plenty of tag to learn everything about every other class. I actually know how to counter sin, i know all of their counters but it's all easier said than done. It's just more of watching out for a shimmer constantly, it's incredibly boring to say the least and I do arena for fun not some lame spot the moron running away.


Destro / KFM are same for me, I can beat a good one of either but if you make one mistake vs these 2 then you're pretty much dead, all there is to it really.


BM I've never struggled with, fought a plat BM and did just fine, lost to 2 so far I believe. Just burst them down during frost tornado debuff, start a combo from there.

Perhaps I just lack practice against BMs since I haven't met that many of them. But I've had TONS of matches against assassins and BD/summoners by now (since they're quite plentiful), and those counters are already on a subconscious level. Blocking classes, however, still seem challenging.

Which is why I haven't done much pvp since warlock was released ;w; Not stepping a foot there until I max my warlock and learn how it works.

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6 minutes ago, Enhance said:

Perhaps I just lack practice against BMs since I haven't met that many of them. But I've had TONS of matches against assassins and BD/summoners by now (since they're quite plentiful), and those counters are already on a subconscious level. Blocking classes, however, still seem challenging.

Which is why I haven't done much pvp since warlock was released ;w; Not stepping a foot there until I max my warlock and learn how it works.

Warlocks are awful, I wiped the floor with every single one so far finishing almost full hp... you can block everything with divine veil, honestly it's like 80-20 in terms of win % imo.

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FM is THE worst matchup for sins! Currently my highest rating was 2050 as sin. Not even that impressive when you think about it, there are people sitting at like 2300-2400 so diamond is like plat 2.0.

You´ve got chill stacks that disable our charge abilities aka infiltrate, witch is our main combo opener and we also use it inside combos a lot to restealth as it has 6 sek cd. While you´ve got 1 or 2 stacks of chill on a sin, he can´t do that so you basically don´t even have to worry about tab swaps from sins if you have 1 or 2 chill on them. Same goes for when you have 1 frost orbit, because freaking frost orbit stacks one chill on your enemy sin if they tab swap you. Then you´ve got your 15 second shield that immunes tab swaps and stealth shuriken. Stealth shurike is actually one of the very few ways you can "open" a combo on a fm and then they would just f out of it. As if it´s so hard to predict that you´re going to get dazed when we even first have to throw a mark on you. Then even if we combo you, if you have a frost orbit on you it´s almost for sure that our combos are ALL going to fail, because we cannot move! On top of that you´ve got 2 stun escapes and you can stall the game for like 20 seconds to have both of your stun escapes off cooldown again! So basically you as a FM are literally IMMUNE to sin combos, hence why they all play like idiots and poke you from time to time, because they cannot really do anything... Now you might say KFM is a combo class and they can do it... well no sin combos take 3 times as long to kill you...

You just need to practice getting sins out of stealth with your 1 button, witch you can spam non stop anyway, because it has no cooldown and costs no chi. The only thing that saves the sin is if they prayed enough to jesus to evade all your 1 spams, but that ain´t going to work for all that long...

The FMS i win against usually OBVIOUSLY have 0 clue what they are doing and just keep spamming stuff and give me stealth every single time i press my woodblock, or my q and stuff like that... if one can actually play against sins its pretty much an auto loss for me.

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