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Killed by my ally in Tag Match

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Last night I somehow died to an ally's attack in Tag Match. I was up against a Destroyer and dropped to about ~4000 health after a Smash. My ally (also a Destroyer) interfered and after the sound of another Smash, I drop dead. Surprised, I check my combatlog and lo and behold: I died to my ally's Smash that crit me for 6263. The enemy Destroyer was simply casting Hurricane at the time.

This is the second time this has happened to me. About last week, also in Tag Match, I died to an allied FM's Inferno. Again while against a Destroyer, this time while he had me grabbed.

So unless Destroyers can redirect damage somehow, this isn't ment to happen.

Edit: Combatlog pic


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7 minutes ago, Michieltjuhh said:

Last night I somehow died to an ally's attack in Tag Match. I was up against a Destroyer and dropped to about ~4000 health after a Smash. My ally (also a Destroyer) interfered and after the sound of another Smash, I drop dead. Surprised, I check my combatlog and lo and behold: I died to my ally's Smash that crit me for 6263. The enemy Destroyer was simply casting Hurricane at the time.

This is the second time this has happened to me. About last week, also in Tag Match, I died to an allied FM's Inferno. Again while against a Destroyer, this time while he had me grabbed.

So unless Destroyers can redirect damage somehow, this isn't ment to happen.

You got killed cause you got dumb ally in your team, Once a destroyer grab you, you turn into his own shield like if someone attack him while holding you you going to get all damage


So yah never attack destroyer if he grabbing someone else you going to hurt that person alot not the destroyer 

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1 minute ago, Michieltjuhh said:

Even if that were so, and it doesn't say anywhere in the ability description that it is (it only states you block from the front during grab), it still doesn't explain that it happened while the opponent was using Hurricane.

Most of skills are not explained right, trust me on that.


And they think everyone is smart and would get it lol, Myself with my destroyer saw that when I playing tag match by luck xD


So yah destroyer block attacks and the grabbed person take the blame, That what happen with cat most of times while they grabbed and summoner try to hyper damage you

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