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Blademaster PVP combo WITHOUT Heavens Blade (against dem lbm, des, sin and fm's)


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Wassup mah fellow bomanimasters! I am trying to get Diamond, I am trying.. But always end up tasting some cats ass  

Oh well, here's a PVP combo without heavens blade (Heaven's Blade = Blade Call). I saw that there isn't one yet so I made pretty much 100-0 combo when requirements are fulfilled. Requirements: F roll needs to be down and Tab escape ofc too.

Here's the combo: Kappa

Hit that subscruib button if you enjoyed and remember to like the video!  Thanks mah peeps

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1 hour ago, Second said:

Sup ;D I keep people believing that BM is viable, yes Kappa

[PSA] These videos require the opponent to fail hardcore. This is why there's a week between 2nd's videos. It takes a long time to find someone to screw up again. Kappa.

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