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Player driven economy vs Bot driven economy


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And nothing. Devs dont give a salty duck about banning their most valuable customers (bots)


BUT, they will ban people playing the game in a legit way who make too much gold without investing into their game like the bots do.

Legit, this happened to me a few days ago.



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1 minute ago, SrKoquonfaes said:


And nothing. Devs dont give a salty duck about banning their most valuable customers (bots)


BUT, they will ban people playing the game in a legit way who make too much gold without investing into their game like the bots do.

Legit, this happened to me a few days ago.



What did you do exactly?

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6 minutes ago, SrKoquonfaes said:

Spammed 4 man poharan, sold perfumes and soulstones.

Really?  There has to be more to it then that, but it is the odd that there is time to ban or lock active players despite a constant horde of bots.  The casuals compromise the majority of the player base and most of them are stupefied over this phenomena.

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really? cuz it says RMT: Selling.


That means u were caught selling gold to people, or you moved massive amounts of gold from one account to another account, or had several BOT account move gold to your main account which got flagged and ban'd.  

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44 minutes ago, Zel said:

The flags are automated, if you move to much gold at once between accounts it auto bans you. Aion had the exact same thing. 

So it just then becomes an issue in where there is a need for human observation and participation to intervene in an automated system when an error occurs.

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45 minutes ago, Soher said:

So it just then becomes an issue in where there is a need for human observation and participation to intervene in an automated system when an error occurs.


Pretty much. It took them about 2 months to figure out the difference between RMT gold transfers, and Player Transfers in Aion. And it was HARD in Aion because normal players moved around hundreds of millions of gold a day. I myself had around 2 billion I'd shovel around consistently. There were a lot of false bans when they implemented it, but after awhile I stopped hearing about any of them entirely. Of course botting was much harder/less profitable in Aion overall. Gold didn't get you gear for one.

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On 25.2.2016 at 3:25 AM, SrKoquonfaes said:


And nothing. Devs dont give a salty duck about banning their most valuable customers (bots)


The bots come in large numbers. It is difficult to keep them all out of the game. When you're trying to kill a swarm of mosquitoes manually with a flyswatter, you'd hope that you had something more effective

On 25.2.2016 at 3:12 AM, Soher said:

Do we have a bot driven economy, and if so what could we reasonably do?

I've played both Age of Wushu, which was full of bots, and Age of Wulin (EU version of the same game) closed beta, which had no bots at all. Age of Wushu/Wulin has a premium currency, which you can either buy from the company or get by selling items to other players. All player-to-player trading was done using the premium currency. It also had that nasty Asian trading system where you had to set up stalls to sell your items and idle on the stall while selling.


The effect of bots to the economy was that since bots were producing raw materials and selling them cheaply, the purchase prices for these materials were low and earning any money was laborious. The bots were also camping all the ore nodes, making it difficult for any other player to gather resources. The prices were far better in Age of Wulin closed beta, from sellers perspective, where there were no bots present selling stuff cheaply.

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this games economy is a sad joke. bots aren't hurting anything. the players camping the finite resources are, EI: quartz. pretty much anything else can be farmed at the whim of the players, as it should be. quartz though, is a limited resource and only so much can be farmed in a day. even if all the nodes were perfectly farmed on schedule, there still wouldn't be enough to support the player base reasonably. which is why the price is skyrocketing and the same thing will happen with what ever the next tier requires. so, in effect, the developers are causing the crappy economy. 


but keep blaming bots.... 

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If camping quarz is a problem, you could just make the nodes personal. So, if player A mines a node of quarz, the node is empty afterwards for player A only. For player B, the quarz node is still full since he hasn't mined it. This would effectively solve the problem caused by node hoarders, since the nodes could not be hoarded any more. This would also make the supply of quarz more flexible.

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On 2/25/2016 at 8:27 PM, Soher said:

What did you do exactly?

This just happened to me.  We were doing blackwyrm, it was at 45% and we were about to do another.  I suppose now I can relate to your experience with this.  Something along these lines?  Just a random event.  Still though, I wonder what triggered it.  Did you use this

because in the options it appears we are having the gpu use korean/chinese client settings, and there could be some issues with that.

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2 hours ago, Grodycody said:

this games economy is a sad joke. bots aren't hurting anything. the players camping the finite resources are, EI: quartz. pretty much anything else can be farmed at the whim of the players, as it should be. quartz though, is a limited resource and only so much can be farmed in a day. even if all the nodes were perfectly farmed on schedule, there still wouldn't be enough to support the player base reasonably. which is why the price is skyrocketing and the same thing will happen with what ever the next tier requires. so, in effect, the developers are causing the crappy economy. 


but keep blaming bots.... 

The quartz does not have any impact on most items in the marketplace, other then the moonwater transformation stones, and even then, the quartz is the cheapest material.

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3 hours ago, Soher said:

The quartz does not have any impact on most items in the marketplace, other then the moonwater transformation stones, and even then, the quartz is the cheapest material.

quartz is ~95s on my server. all the other mats required can be farmed in infinite supply by the player for free.

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Economy is definitely Bot Driven, but at the same time, as a regular player, I am still able to make a steady, small profit without trouble.


Sorry to hear about the stupid automatic banning system on gold moving, yet another restriction enforced by NC that puts regular players at a disadvantage and tilts the game to favour botters even more.


If NC had half a brain they would know that bots are just using the AH to go around the mail bans, and would be actively monitoring the actual game economy instead. For example:


(unless you actually think a regular player is retarded enough to spend 20 gold on a dumpling.)


And people that think NC is actually doing anything against bots (Their precious primary customer) they just aren't facing reality.


(there is no shortage of bots that have made it all the way to max lvl)


The fact is that NCsoft have actively encouraged running multiple accounts, so if they start banning people automatically for shifting gold between their own accounts, that is a huge double standard. I would suggest that players caught in this situation always make sure that there is proof that they own all of their own accounts, and record the transactions that you make with yourself so that you can easily show the support team their mistake when you appeal your ban.

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18 hours ago, Tamarisk said:

Economy is definitely Bot Driven, but at the same time, as a regular player, I am still able to make a steady, small profit without trouble.


Sorry to hear about the stupid automatic banning system on gold moving, yet another restriction enforced by NC that puts regular players at a disadvantage and tilts the game to favour botters even more.


If NC had half a brain they would know that bots are just using the AH to go around the mail bans, and would be actively monitoring the actual game economy instead. For example:


(unless you actually think a regular player is retarded enough to spend 20 gold on a dumpling.)


And people that think NC is actually doing anything against bots (Their precious primary customer) they just aren't facing reality.


(there is no shortage of bots that have made it all the way to max lvl)


The fact is that NCsoft have actively encouraged running multiple accounts, so if they start banning people automatically for shifting gold between their own accounts, that is a huge double standard. I would suggest that players caught in this situation always make sure that there is proof that they own all of their own accounts, and record the transactions that you make with yourself so that you can easily show the support team their mistake when you appeal your ban.

People placing strange items on the martkplace at extravagant prices as a means of transferring gold around, fascinating.

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On 27/02/2016 at 7:19 PM, Grodycody said:

this games economy is a sad joke. bots aren't hurting anything. the players camping the finite resources are, EI: quartz. pretty much anything else can be farmed at the whim of the players, as it should be. quartz though, is a limited resource and only so much can be farmed in a day. even if all the nodes were perfectly farmed on schedule, there still wouldn't be enough to support the player base reasonably. which is why the price is skyrocketing and the same thing will happen with what ever the next tier requires. so, in effect, the developers are causing the crappy economy. 


but keep blaming bots.... 


If players are camping quartz nodes, they are doing a terrible job of it.  I see ore all over the place in Misty Woods, etc, but don't have the pickaxes for it.  Unless you do tedious world dailies, or spend a lot of money making Moonwater pickaxes, you're not getting that ore.

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