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3v3 Rude Teamates


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I feel like a magnet for a-holes lol.


Today I got called a dip shit for not giving up when it was 2v3 after he literally suicides when it was his turn. (we had 1 afk)

And apparently I'm retarded for not giving up and going to another match for more zen beans o.o


I get it computer screen immortality and all, but what's happening to manners and common courtesy nowadays...

If it's not some 15 year old saying he *cricket*ed my mom then it's some other butt yelling at his team because they don't do what he wants them to.

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You'll run into these type of people all around the world. Luckily, this is an online platform and you can usually joke your way out of it. For example: pretend your teammates are royalty and you're their servant "M'lord I shall come to your aid!" "Your Highness you are in grave danger! You must away!" "I shall defend your honour my liege!"

I'm sure you can think of other ways yourself. The point is that it either makes them laugh and lighten up or gets them confused up to the point they stop whining/trashtalking. It's a game, might as well have some fun with it.

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the thing that happened to me ... i got 2 summoners as team mates , the first one who took the lead literally afked out and died in about 10 seconds without doing anything ... when i called him " afker sh*t" he started arguing that how bad we are and how we should l2p or delete the game 


XD gotta love summoners who cant even reach 1700 XD

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