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Remove bots from arena or you'll destroy this game


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Okey, i've put up with all the issues up to this point, but bots in arena is too much for me.


I don't care if they're free rating, i don't care if i get free beans. I would play tekken if i would wanna face computer controlled characters in pvp.


To all you pro 1337 teenagers who says ''uh git gud and hit plat, there's no bots there''. Sure, i might be able to do that, but what about other people? Not all people are good enough to beat the bots, and that's the truth. Should that punish them to face bots forever? You must understand that not everyone is horny for ratings, but just want to face other humans in the arena.


Fix this shit asap or just remove the beans from pvp. 

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18 minutes ago, bomberman said:

the whole hongmoon /pvp last tier skill from bean /book is retarded to begin with, Why bother equalize every char in arena yet gate people from getting last tier skill unless you farm or buy the skill.

The entire Hongmoon level system being this insanely alt-unfriendly by itself is already stupid anyway.

This game needs a matchmaking system that gives everyone the same amount of talent points and access to the same talents, in addition to the current stat equalization. That's one of the few things I thought Guild Wars 2 did properly.

On-topic: Bots, cheaters and cheating bots need to go, indeed. They should fix the EU latency while they're at it.

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I completely agree, as a player who's coming to Blade and Soul for the fan service/pvp of it all this is absolutely game breaking. Your putting NA on a patch where there's 1 class that reigns godlike supreme over everyone else for months on end and saying, 'oh it gets better at 50 in like 6+ months'. Well NCSoft your game is making its impressions and courting it's playerbase right now, not 6+ months from now, and to further shit all over us, I play against more bots than humans at the moment in the arena by a large margin. There's the classic afk bot in tag match leveling up, and everyone's favorite destroyer full offensive spam in 1v1. I don't know how much more of this I can take before I just cut my losses and I'm a premium rank 6 already without the founder's pack, I imagine there's plenty more free players who have already dropped out of this crap fest.

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