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Idea On How To Fix The Faction Imbalance


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Lets face the fact that on almost every server if not all of them that the factions are massively imbalanced.


On my on server juwol there are literally 5x more reds then blues to the point where the blues almost never even get to do daily's much less get their own channel to farm insignias and the same is true for most servers.


So here is a good and easy solution.


Make anyone who has not done a pvp quest in a week kicked from the faction.


There are a lot of people who quit or don't even do pvp daily's at all and with the level 50 patch you can just farm soulstones 24/7 without arena match's if i heard correctly so there is no real need for a faction to get better gear and so on plus there's a lot of people that don't even want to be part of a faction in the first place so this would keep only the active members in the factions making them far more balanced then they are now.


However also there would need to be a few changes like letting players have no faction but let them see the clans of both sides in the dragonspire promotions so they can pick one and join a faction later and if they are in a clan they can stay in it but if they leave they can not rejoin it unless they rejoin that specific faction.


You could also create a third neutral faction for this but its easier to do it as i put it.


With this there would be equal and active factions where the servers would be a literal open world pvp war instead of a one sided slaughter for daily's and would become a much better game for it.


I also recommend adding stuff like territory's or maybe a red and blue fortress with them and the territory's give some type of faction specific bonus or resource if you hold a certain amount plus the territory's would reset every 24 hrs or maybe even every 12 to prevent one side from monopolizing them.


I have no clue if Korean BnS has this stuff or not but at the very least we need this faction balancing sorted out or the whole open world pvp thing is a joke and this was my thought for it.


Also i haven't sent a support ticket with this suggestion atm but that's because i am not sure if its a good idea or not or if a mod does it directly and i wanted to hear what others thought about it.

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I don't see any problems about imbalance, it much easier to find crimson and drop on them... my clan track down and killed more than 100 crimson every day in every channel when we roam.

There is no setting rules or anything that guarantee that it gonna repeat same way as taiwan server (too damn peaceful.) Silverfrost faction zone is very vast and suit for large clash of RvB. and I can tell you that forget agreement about 1-2-3 crimson and 4-5-6 cerulean or something like that because we do what we want. anyone who don't get better gears will not survive the clash or getting their reward either because there are very different between lv45 and lv50 gear. 


This is online game and you should find a friend to play with. a friend that run with you. of course, you can go solo but that mean you will be limited the thing you can do in many ways. if anyone feel that they were alone in daily, they should find some friend or enter some clan.

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I'm not interested at empty, shallow and meaningless PVP without substance in any form. My only need are the faction dailies, and the more unobstructed completing those are, the better. I'd just switch to the dominant faction anyways, as would thousands and thousands of others, so the practical impact would be what?

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If we have an option not choose the faction side then whoever join the faction will be a real pvp'er.

You can't fix the imbalance faction by forcing players to join and players just join the most dominant faction but won't do any pvp related contents.

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