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Only 1 warlock in the top 500 for KR?

Puppy Pie

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can anyone confirm this I was reading faction chat and everyone started talking about it, but I cannot find the list for KR : /




Would like to know because I am stuck on making a FM or Lock for my magic dude (and really only have funds to make one at least true siren)

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Try FM and see if you like it. My alts will just keep true profane and once WL comes out, then I'll choose which char to make my main (it's also between FM and WL since my Destroyer has been relegated to "the major money maker" haha). The pros of making a FM now is that even if you end up not liking it but still get it to 45, it'll be another source of income even if you only do a few dailies.


I don't actually know the answer to your question but that above is at least what I would do. Plus, FM ended up being really enjoyable for me.

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18 minutes ago, Enamour said:

Try FM and see if you like it. My alts will just keep true profane and once WL comes out, then I'll choose which char to make my main (it's also between FM and WL since my Destroyer has been relegated to "the major money maker" haha). The pros of making a FM now is that even if you end up not liking it but still get it to 45, it'll be another source of income even if you only do a few dailies.


I don't actually know the answer to your question but that above is at least what I would do. Plus, FM ended up being really enjoyable for me.

true I just want a all around good char pvp and pve and I have just heard so many horrible things about pvp for warlock since the nerf which makes me unsure, but I do like the idea of party buffs just not if I have to sacrifice pvp.

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19 minutes ago, dragoaskani said:

Dunno where they are getting that from. The only place I know to see the korean leader boards is here: http://bns.plaync.com/bs/leaderboard/duel?season=29

I have that link on season 29. The winter season, as you can see its blank. So not sure if they are considered in preseason, or if this only gets updated at the end of the season.

hmmmmmm well I wonder what the hell they where talking about.. wish I asked now


Although it is faction chat so who knows what type of response I would have got lol

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