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900 RNG boxes purchased, no Jacket :(


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It's not really RNG though, that's the hilarity. True RNG would have each possible outcome an equal % chance. There's ways to bypass the honesty of true RNG. Added multiple occurrences of select result(s) is the most common one. 

On the surface it appears to be too much like unlicensed gambling using a currency exchange system to undermine any legality - - which would be illegal too, I'd expect.

I'm more than surprised the EXACT loot box drop list %'s and number of occurrences of each item in the loot tables aren't provided as they do in actual legal gambling.

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3 hours ago, MalachiBick said:


No because there are ppl out there who actually do this and to make fun of it shows how immature you are, there's nothing funny about this nor is it constructive and it doesn't belong in the General Discussion

People who spend tons of money, then make a post on the forums complaining that they didn't get xxx Item from the rng box and that it's unacceptable,  is immature. 


Especially when the best thing to do is avoid the stupid rng boxes like the plague.




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