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What's Wrong With Arena Right Now?


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Just now, RudeBwoii said:

yo dude ur being annoying... anyone would be upset..... u havent quoted me yet and am already *cricket*ing upset. if u doubt the abilities and scope of the assassin class go make one urself and see instead of being here trying to be a smartass for no reason..... these things are happening and something needs to be done. now please stop acting retarded and rebutting everything that everyone here has to say. just please we donnt need ur smartassry, what we neeed is someone on the forum or team to tell us whats going on and whats being done to deal with it. thank you for butting out. 

Ok for once i said theres no need to be upset, for one im not being a smartass im was asking a simple question im sorry if thats too hard for you to comprehend. I dont appreciate you insulting me. I am well aware of the abilities of the assassin rather then crying and saying oh fix em why dont u git gud and watch a diamond+  sin and learn? Did you get all that or should i simplify that for you? 

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5 minutes ago, dmoe33 said:

Ok for once i said theres no need to be upset, for one im not being a smartass im was asking a simple question im sorry if thats too hard for you to comprehend. I dont appreciate you insulting me. I am well aware of the abilities of the assassin rather then crying and saying oh fix em why dont u git gud and watch a diamond+  sin and learn? Did you get all that or should i simplify that for you? 

is there an ignore button on these forums? this dude that lives on here with his almost 500 posts in 1 month that keep on trying to refute other ppl's points seems to not get that he doesnt have anything to add to anything even with his 500 posts... someone please point me towards an ignore button. thanx.

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Just now, RudeBwoii said:

is there an ignore button on these forums? these dude that lives on here with his almost 500 posts in 1 month that keep on trying to refute other ppl's points seems to not get that he doesnt have anything to add to anything even with his 500 posts... someone please point me towards an ignore button. thanx.

ok if your not trying to add anything idk y ur even commenting it seems u want to keep arguing over something trival. PS if ur trying to insult me your failing miserably. Now if u have nothing to add then stop derailing the thread, run along now

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Lmao almost everyone on this thread sounds like they either have no idea how PvP works, or they just came out of some 2009 mmofps. There is almost no reason to bot in PvP because it'd be impossible to win AND if you're actually losing to "bots" you're just terrible and should re-evaluate your own skills. 

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3 hours ago, Raiyze said:

Lmao almost everyone on this thread sounds like they either have no idea how PvP works, or they just came out of some 2009 mmofps. There is almost no reason to bot in PvP because it'd be impossible to win AND if you're actually losing to "bots" you're just terrible and should re-evaluate your own skills. 

What reason could there be to bot in pvp, not having to play yourself, let a few bots farm thousands of games in arena and then log back in with your real account and receive hundreds or thousands of soulstones?


hmm ... hard to imagine

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23 hours ago, dmoe33 said:

Hm i dont think u mean tab i think u mean theyre spin which imo is completely broken. Their spin and Tab look basically the exact same except i think the tab has less spins. Unless ofc u mean tab as in their spin which in that case yea im with you its bs, also their spin parrys for first .5s so. The lag is another issue in which NC needs to fix asap if they plan on making BnS an Esport 

it seems more than .5 .. I hit a spin dest with a KB a stun and of course there is my block THAT should break his spin but nothing .. BUT iut will stun me repeatedly..


next 2 matches vs FMs who mostly perma-rooted me and sniped me in the back except when they can jump around like lunatics because no matter one their heat seeking spell attacks WILL hit ..


arena is junk.. and they idiots in charge do nothing

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5 minutes ago, Kensho1996 said:

it seems more than .5 .. I hit a spin dest with a KB a stun and of course there is my block THAT should break his spin but nothing .. BUT iut will stun me repeatedly..


next 2 matches vs FMs who mostly perma-rooted me and sniped me in the back except when they can jump around like lunatics because no matter one their heat seeking spell attacks WILL hit ..


arena is junk.. and they idiots in charge do nothing

The parry is .5s they have immunity through the entire spin to roots im pretty sure which is why i say its a tab bit unbalanced however arena is fairly balanced yea there is some matchups which are bs but for the most part its even. Now the real issue with arena is the lag, ping and hacks which need to be addressed ASAP

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23 hours ago, dmoe33 said:

Well in stealth ur not 100% invisible also do u mean cheating? cause i dont see why a bot would go to arena.  Turning to you as in their character faces you on the ground sounds sketchy that to me sounds like hax unless its some weird lag 

Bots will go anywhere there is gold and arena is a place to get gold from soulstones.

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well i am officially done with arena right now, at least on my sin. these imho are specifically countering sins


1. Sins get access to their most potent and best skills while in stealth.

2. These bots are designed to bring u out of stealth - 

                   they either turn towards u and atk u immediately as u go into stealth since u dont get an evasion or iframe boost on anything except tab escape and infiltrate.

                   they follow you around while ur in stealth spinning and doing all kinds of things (now my 1st post said they did nothing) however from my experience it seems the bots around 1600-1630 just follow u around. but the bots from 1650-1720 actually spin and try to get u out of stealth.

3. They have infinite escapes and unlimited cc so trying to lock them down does nothing u will only get cc'd and have to waste flower/backroll or even burn tab escape since whenever they stun u, they immediately rage and ani cancel like mad.

4. PvE'ing them doesnt work, cuz unlike the 1600-1630 bots these ones dont just follow u around in stealth; they actually try to get u out of it.


Now i know this doesnt affect most other classes since they either have insane aerials or roots which the bots most of the time wont try to get out of so they can lock them down with roots and aerials thereby gaining free elo. However like i said with points 1 and 2 sins gets affected the most cuz what i find myself doing the whole match is basically running around just waiting to get cc'd cuz i simply will not have access to my most valuable skills and using the ones available to me will not even dent these guys.


Also for those who are gonna say there are just generally good Destros who can do all these stuff, that is true; but not Destros with names like WbbVssy and the likes (inb4 they say i am naming and shaming bots) between 1650-1750 elo u will not find this and some of these actions are actually impossible even for players Diamond+ and no, Diamond+ does not have infinite cc+rage+tab escapes.... so for a sin its virtually impossible to beat them unless u are faceing th eones that hang around 1600 where u can pve them freely.


Also i forgot to say this.... but wasting ur ss upon entering stealth does nothing good either since its on an 8 second cooldown and the bots will be getting u out of stealth a mere 3-5 seconds later simply means u will have 1 less escape at ur disposal.


Now enuff is enuff NCsoft pliz we need something to be done about this.

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Don't listen to dmoe he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. The bots follow you through stuns and hard cc's like web, they know where you are at all times and will break you out of stealth with cc's if they can and the kfm I played against insta countered any move I made against him even when he shouldn't be able to while stuck in the animation of another ability so I could see a destroyer insta deflecting you also.


The funny thing is nothing will be done about it. NCWest is getting the money they wanted and have already made a ton.

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9 minutes ago, Mimic said:

Don't listen to dmoe he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. The bots follow you through stuns and hard cc's like web, they know where you are at all times and will break you out of stealth with cc's if they can and the kfm I played against insta countered any move I made against him even when he shouldn't be able to while stuck in the animation of another ability so I could see a destroyer insta deflecting you also.


The funny thing is nothing will be done about it. NCWest is getting the money they wanted and have already made a ton.

this is why i blocked all his content, was better than wasting time reading them and getting pissed off/ arguing with a kid that lives on the internet

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I did some 3v3 yesterday and the enemy team's was all destroyers that would just stand there and do nothing or just run backwards continuously. Thought nothing of it then  but as i purchased some soulstones  with my zen beans, I remembered every single match today was... Destroyers, The bots leveling in Misty Woods with HM5... Destroyers.


SoulsStones, PVP, Zen beans.... I wonder.

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3 hours ago, Zadawny said:


You literally logged into the forums to post a single word not even relevant to the topic, and that's your only post? 


For real people, stay on topic. This is about Destroyers/Assassins/Bots/Glitches/Learning. Anything not related to this is just useless content on this thread. 

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Just checking. Have GMs (guessing that's what they're called here?) ever posted in sections like this? Would be dang happy to see some sort of response. Part of the reason I left my last game was because of the company providing it being complete crap when it came to communication with the community. Even if the sole purpose of it is to keep people spending and not everything is said, would sure love some communication.


As for this thread, it's pretty obvious that these are bots using hacks to win and pull gold from pvp. Interesting as it may be, legit pvp mechanics have very little to do with this thread.

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Well, after a full day of playing against this I can say without a doubt that it's bots. I've come up with a pretty good strategy to play against the better coded ones as a sin, since that seems to be an issue for a lot of us.


To make this work you're going to want as many knockdowns as possible. Spec into your knockdown on F, as well as Shadow Slash. Go ahead and take points into your x throwing dagger, allowing you to start an air combo. Take Ice trap as well, and go for Choke Bomb for poison. Make sure to take Webbing as this is one of the more essential parts. Having the points into Decoy to daze within 0.5s is a bonus, but you can manage without it.


Breaking this down, it's pretty simple. Since Sins can't properly combo the bots, what you want to do is create as much distance as possible. At the start of the game, start off with your normal flower glide RMB stealth. Immediately create distance, the bot will try to break you out as a player would. After you have a little distance, throw the knife and wait. Most of the time bots pop Fury and resist. There is no need to play for a kill here. Once the buffs run out, wait until the destroyer starts running at you. Jump to them with the knife and do the first air combo, DO NOT SMASH THEM INTO THE GROUND. Instead web them in the air. Note that bots at this point will follow you in the web, so don't bother walking around them and try to Shadow Dash.


At this point once they fall, throw choke bomb and place a flower if you haven't already. They will most likely escape the KD and rush you, you are planning on this. When they rush you, Decoy. If you took the daze spec, you can make some distance and hope they don't break you, otherwise you risk being broken out. If you do get broken out, don't worry. Backflip as soon as you can, then F F to knock them down. At this point the Destroyer is out of escapes so you have some time to work in a setup. Get some distance, if you have a poison stack pop tab into stealth, if not make distance and tab Shadow Dash into stealth. 


This is the basic game play you will use, repeating it when you can. If you run into scenarios where you have no chi or cooldowns, this is where Ice Trap comes in. Ice Trap allows for you to regain CD's and create more distance. Basically your end game goal here is to do any amount of damage possible without getting close, playing for time. If you end the round with more health than the Destroyer, or even just below, you will win 100% of the time. 


This concept can be used for any class having an issue with Destroyer bots that are programmed well, although I can't guarantee it will work since I don't have that kind of knowledge. 

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What's funny to me is that the bots run on different scripts. (Pretty sure that's the correct terminology.) I even faced a bot that ran up to me, and did nothing. Did the root check to see if it turned to face me. Eventually I got bored of hopping around and just put the thing out of its misery.

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