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Destroyer ''Known for their strong grabs''


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Actually, you can also grab people out of their blocks without needing to CC them if you time it well, which can be pretty handy. (Just like most fighting games, a well timed grab is a counter to a block)


But it's mostly all the options a destroyer has DURING a grab that makes the grab strong. You have a whole slew of damage and CC tools and you can pick or spec the ones that best fit what you want to do. for PvP, it destroys summoners because I can use their own cat as my personal shield and then beat them with it. However, it's nearly useless against a decent KFM or BD because they escape grabs and throws very easily and you eat counters more often then you actually get to do anything with the grab.  Sins have a couple solid grapple counters too, but they're a lot easier to deal with. 


But as AyeAye said, destroyer grabs mostly shine in PvE, where very few enemies have the tools to counter holds. It's great for CCing bosses. But it's also great when you're playing solo or are outnumbered by enemies. You can grab one enemy, use them as a shield to block attacks, heal yourself up or use them as a weapon to smack OTHER enemies, and then power slam them to AOE CC all other nearby enemies. Or you can toss an enemy to sleep them. Less useful against large enemies since you hold them with both hands and you can't use most of your grapple skills, but you can still powerslam or piledrive them for good damage, or just hold them for your allies to beat on. 


I play Destoyer and Force Master so I have a good basis for comparing grabs. FM grabs aren't as much fun to use. You pretty much either toss the enemy back away or hold them over an AOE like a firewall. It feels more like a pure CC while Destroyer grabs can be set-ups for heavy damage. 

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FM's isn't as much of a problem, but blade dancer unloads a massive amount of damage on you while grabbing you for free, it's pretty frustrating to be honest.

Especially when targets can roll out of your grab before you can grab them, and it gets forced back on cooldown, and if you grab them, they grab escape, and against classes like blade dancer, you even get knocked down for catching someone, it's nice to be punished after catching something that has multiple resist buff skills.


It's a strong PvE support skill, but it's not particularly overwhelming, the damage is so-so. I don't see myself using some of the options during grab (Like headbutt) 

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It's actually really strong in pvp as well, and it's not because of the numerous abilities. Really you only need 3 of them (f,3,z), and Tab for FMs. By itself it isn't all that powerful, but what it can set up is potent as you can pretty much guarantee you will have full focus, a free knockdown that will activate an easily spammable rmb for 4 secs, and you can pop them up to disable there defenses for a few secs.

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FM Grab and Destroyer grab are useless


But atleast FM grab can be cast at any point in game, While Blade caner use grab at any point and push tons of damage into your body from 100-75% atleast while ofcourse the counter get bugged and can't be cast due the moving of the blade dancer while grabbing you.

So yah hell the damn useless destroyer grab

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