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Nerf Summoners FOR GOD SAKE!


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I am an assassin almost hitting gold in the 1v1 arena and the game matched me up with 5 friggin summoners in a row ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL THEY DO IS JUST RUN AROUND AND SHOOT. PLEASE NERFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AND THE CAT TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


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As an assassin playing against a summoner you wanna run a "PvE" build which includes Shadow Drain to get as much RMB-F attacks out as possible. When they put Doom n' Gloom on you make sure to use Lotus Fury T3F1 for the iframe and a surprisingly strong heal. For the second Doom your Lotus will be on CD if they managed to keep you out of stealth enough, in that case make use of your flower to get some iframes from that.


Use Set Landmine for some direct damage and poison stacking to allow you to refresh your stealth with Shadow Drain. Also use T3F2 Smoke Bomb for those times you are out of stealth for projective reflect and a decent heal.


Overall playing as a sin against summoner is hard but its doable if you make sure to use Lotus Fury during Doom and use your TAB escape when the cat sits on your face.


Also, make sure you dont attack when they put up their dandellion, if you do you'll get punished a lot as a sin.


Using this tactic when I played my sin I managed to beat a few summoners but overall its the hardest matchup for a sin. Just like sins are the hardest matchup for a KFM. Its harder than the average game against other classes but its still doable.


EDIT: Also, dont attack them in their thorns field.

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They wont because the server thats been running for years is plague with the best blade masters and blade dancers... Thats honestly the only excuse "balance" summoner advocates can defend with.

Its like saying your future stove is amazing because that dude down the street using it, and its amazing how he uses it. BUT, his stove is home made, and yours isnt, so your neighbors stove is better after trial and error, while yours isnt...

And at this very moment, a big portion of hte top 50 players in arena are summoners, but numbers dont matter.

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The cat is fairly weak if they don't build it correctly it can die in 2 seconds if not built correctly the summoner themselves can die in 10 sec if not built correctly Seed Shroud only works against stupid people that attack as much as possible. Summoner only has 2 escape skills and 1 of them requires them to be hit (it's the same as assassin) The cat can tank while the Summoner does the damage or the Cat does the damage while the Summoner heals them or the summoner tanks. so many things to think about because you have a cat to take care of as well with the skill points. Everyone says that summoner needs a nerf when they get beat by one but not looking at their classes mechanics that can easily beat summoners. Assasin has infi invisible (cat can't target u while ur invisible) FM has ice that can freeze cat then alternate LMB and RMB to kill the summoner within 3-7 seconds. Destroyer can just spin and kill the summoner. etc.

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As far as i can speaking to most streamers the summoner is only faceroll easy during low brackets, and get harder against more skilled players, considering assassins can actually abuse their class to just win via having more hp when the timer runs out i dont think realistically you should complain 

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have you even tried pvp? you dont win pvp with more health you win pvp based on rating. The damage you dealt and also the combo you executes. Broken thing about pvp is that Assassin's smoke that deflect projectiles, any damage that is negated by the smoke is also counted into the score rating. Thus your claims about winning with more hp is invalid.

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Oh please NC do nerf the summoner again... will make it even sweeter to pwn this sorry excuse of an assassin in pvp...

Seriously tho:

Summoner HAS already been nerfed which makes it a little harder to play. But for what reason do you want to nerf the cat? It isn't the cat that is killing you it's the caster...

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1 minute ago, Arcilius said:

You can't out dmg a cat and a summoner that are attacking repetitively. FYI after going invi the cat still chases and reveal my location that's the funny thing.

90% of the time the cat won't follow you only if it is mid lunge and such would it do so

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12 minutes ago, Arcilius said:

You can't out dmg a cat and a summoner that are attacking repetitively. FYI after going invi the cat still chases and reveal my location that's the funny thing.

It's actually quite a lot of effort just cause a cat is there does not mean that its a "Noob" class Summoner has the same amount of skill points as all other classes and you have to take care of both the cat and yourself while playing. I bet you kept hitting Seed Shroud (makes Summoner go invisible and use briar patch slowing down the opponent.) and hitting the cat while it was crouched (heals the cat) and got mad at your own stupidity.

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I'm really interested in that "minimum effort" Summoner you're speaking about. Could you please tell me about it as an expert Summoner? We count your attacks, evade, block, watch out for combos, while maintaining cat health and position, own cooldowns, cat cooldowns, buffs, etc. The list grows quite long right there...

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