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Why when i play BM i cant go higher than 1750 ?


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Why when i play BladeMaster the best i can, thinking about how to counter, how to evade opponent skills, how to combo... I really try my *cricket*ing best its still hard.


When i play with Sum of a friend, i reached platine after 2 days only by watching guide...


When i play my main blademaster i can think about many things during many weeks, i can tryhard like a chinese, i can do anything its same i cant improve myself. Why ? Wtf is this ?


Im sure there is a way, i saw many guy higher than 1800 but how ? Im sure i can counter all classes but its not easier than sum or any others classes that need just few guide to watch or read to know how to counter, no, its a lot harder... but i really would love to know.

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Hello Prince ! (cool nickname)


Shoot your questions here and I will answer them.

Majority of the problems from players come from not knowing their opposing class hence why you are having such an easy time with summoner, people don't know how to deal with them. Plus bare in mind that summoners are designed for female players mainly so the difficulty of the character is like 1 star ? Whereas BM is like 3 and a half or 4 stars ? Either way I stay certain that you don't know your opposing class and how to deal with it so shoot what class you are having problems with and I will tell you how to counter them.

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I just like to think that BM is one class that requires more skill and knowledge to be somewhat decent.
Being a BM myself (max elo 1820 before this preseason), and having troubles vs assassins and summoners as well I'm looking forward to Enoll replies ^_^.

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Regarding summoners check those 2:







First read the above 2 topics regarding summoners their skills and mistakes the players make. Once you know that read the following:


Against bad summoners (and trust me there are LOADS of them, because there are plenty new players) you can kill the cat easily. When you start the fight don't rush them immediately so you don't hit their dandelion. As soon as the cat is next to you use C that goes through defense and launch in air, after the launch use V (blade call) then LB / RB (to start the air combo)  then X (to stop the projectiles that will come from the summoner) and then V (for more chi regeneration of what's going to follow) and finish the air combo with LB. As the cat is falling down press C again (because after the blade call now you are in phantom stance) that will weaken the cat and will keep it in the blade call dmg, after the C press 4 that will put you in draw stance and this is exactly where you want to be. You have full chi and more chi to come 1st from the V(24 chi regeneration within 12 seconds) 2nd you have already activated your second V in phantom stance with 2 chi every 1 second and you are in draw stance after 4 (that has already dealt a lot of dmg because you have weaken the cat with C in phantom stance). What follows is 2 in draw stance to keep the cat locked in weaken and then 2x RB + LB (stun ) + 2x RB + tab weaken + 2xRB and cat is dead. 

Thats it, summoner without a summon is not a summoner. Rest is make sure you dont hit in dandelion and don't waste your SS and by not wasting you SS... I would explain that vs the good summoners. So yeah, cat is dead what you can do is wait for the next dandelion, block for instance, the only think the summoner can do is knock you down which you can "F" and then block again, and wait for the dandelion, as soon as the dandelion comes out wait 3 seconds and then for instance SS + 3 for pentaslash aircombo, after teh summoner is down from the air combo majority of the bad summoners will press F, so after you fall (because after air combo you fall before the summoner you can just go back towards the back of the summoner... I really can't explain that any better without screen shots or video) but after the air combo look where the back is pointing of the summoner and start walking in that direction so when he F's you will be good 5 meters away from him and you can lock him down with either 3 or 2 or any other skill you like. Once the cat is dead try to use your C as much as possible for heals. If blade call is off cool down just use it, don't be afraid because you need the X projectile defense.


Now against good summoners, what you want to do is have your tab and your V to escape grapples. You don't focus the cat but you focus mainly the summoner. You should not waste your SS no matter what, but even if you do its not the end of the world. You should X knock down the cat any chance you have to avoid dmg or Q / E or block it.  Now why you shouldn't waste your SS. With the latest patch summoners have skill that casts chestnuts on top of you, which stops you from blocking and afterwards they can freely use the cat CC's so they can grapple you. So as soon as you see the chestnuts just SS. If you see the summoner's chestnuts is not stopping your blocking then the summoner is an absolute keyboard wanna be pianist aka extremely bad. So good summoners will know that you will keep your SS for that. Bare in mind that even after you SS of chestnuts you still wont be able to block for like 1-2 seconds, so what you can do it since you are in draw stance as soon as the cat comes towards you just E the cat and after the E you should be able to block no problem (but dont block for long because they can mount you). A good summoner will force you to SS, for instance they will use I think its their 2 which roots you, don't SS then, instead block, if you block an attack it will activate your LB (Whirling slash i think its called, the one that recovers CHI) and just use it, this will get you out of the root  OR just Q/E on the cat if it is next to you. In a situation where the summoner uses chestnuts and you use SS and then they root you and are behind you with the cat which means you cannot block and you cannot SS, if you have V just use it to protect yourself from incoming dmg or just block, if they are stupid they will knock you down so you can F, if they are clever they will just damage you, if you don't have V knockback then the summoner has absolutely outplayed you. Another thing is summoner's E that is not mentioned in the second link that I have given you. Bad summoners don't use, good summoners use it very cleverly. What it does is recalls the cat towards the summoner and weakens you and has 30 seconds cool down. So imagine the situation that you use 2 to stun the summoner and the summoner presses E to recall the cat... you will see the cat flying towards the summoner, just Q that... so you don't get weaken OR if you see the summoner has already used E to recall his/her cat that means they just wasted the cool down of their defensive skill. With today's maintenance we will have 4 that will deal 10k dmg which will be awesome to deal the extra dmg necessary to kill the summoner. Mid fight if you notice that the cat is almost dead do not hesitate to turn on the cat and kill it. Now regarding CCs, you wanna have C on 5 meter, you wanna have 3 on 5 meter, you wanna have tab for weaken as well and when you are comboing you wanna cc both the cat and the summoner so the cat can't counter CC you.

^Btw i will use this topic on my twitch stream cuz I think i did a good job explaining everything regarding the BM vs Summoner matchup.





Against assassins..


Unfortunately there are no posts regarding assassins skills so I will just quickly list those ones that you need to know.


1. Their 2 - Waves their hands in a black shade. - > if you hit into that you will make them invisible, however on this patch you can still pentaslash them. At a later patch they will have a legendary skill that will give them 100 % evasion for 2 seconds after you hit into it. So at the moment if they use this skill you have to either SS + Pentaslash OR if you are close to them E + X or Q + E + X or just X since X blocks their "guard" as this skill is counted as "Guard" and you will stun them.


2. When they are knocked down... if you see them protecting themselves do not hit them, use X instead or use C (if it breaks defence) otherwise you will give them stealth. 


3. When an assassins  SSs it activates 2 skills first one is like a green F skill which is a gap closer gets behind you but does nothing just a gap closer(this skill also activates after tab stun escape or as you call it trinket) then the second one is F which jumps again and kicks you which weakens you. When an assassin SSs target him while holding block and spam Q, once they jump behind you you will Q on them because you have them on target, then majority of the assassins are bots so they will use the second skill that weakens you so you do E and you go behind them and after teh E you can use ... oh boi... C / X / 3 / 2...  w/e you want... be creative. 


4. When assassins are in stealth (pretty much like our draw stance) it activates few skills for them. One of them that ALL of them HAVE to use for their combo is X which puts like a stick on your back with a red light on top, the debuff is a purple icon. What this skill does is when they can basically press X again GO behind you and weaken you. So imagine the scenario assassin goes in stealth... actually I will give you some scenarios at the end. 


5. When they are in stealth they can press 3 that jumps behind you... for a brief second they are visible and then they stun you and move back 8 meters. Once they press 3 to jump behind and for that brief one second while they are visible you can press either V - that will knock them back (you need only 2 points on this, they don't have grapple) or you can press tab (weaken them) and that will get them out of stealth.


6. Flower gives them escape from stun and weaken but not knock down, so if you can keep them on the ground good, if you are about to weaken/ stun them make sure you use F for air combo immediately so you can waste their flower, or just weaken them and make them use their flower if you have enough skills afterwards for follow up.



Right majority of the fights you want to be next to the assassin and Q +  LB (stun) or Q + E + X/C/3/2 etc and just apply pressure.  SS + Pentaslash to start a combo. 

Right now I will give you some scenarios.


For instance the assassin starts the fight, you are clever enough and you block immediately, the assassin is a bot and he goes oh wait a second he is not moving I can get free stealth they press RB which moves them behind you because they rush (pretty much like our sprint + lb/rb) and they are now behind you stealthed. If you are quick enough exactly after the stealth you can press V which will knock them back out of stealth press C in phantom stance that will weaken them and they will F... they have to F if they dont F just use 2 + 4, if they F you have to time it well because if you miss the frame window you will hit in their 2 block, so after they F just use 2 + 4 OR just SS + pentaslash. 


Another scenario assassin gets in stealth uses his X  which puts that stick on your back, then they are stupid enough to press 3 and jump behind you and you counter it with lets say tab (weaken) or you counter it with lets say V that knocks them down followed by C to weaken, they will F and when they F 95 % of them will immediately use X again to go behind you to weaken you so what you can do is just block behind to stun them OR as they approach the end of their F escape just ss and I dunno pentaslash or wait a second to see if they use 2 and then use LB to stun or i dunno its all very situational. 

So thats it pretty much about assassins that you need to know. 




As I have said before the best thing to do(after you have learned what ur skills do) is learn the opposite classes' skills and If you are interested in other classes and you wanna learn more - www.impbns.com


Streams to watch of bms:


www.twitch.tv/enoL_   <- Myself

www.twitch.tv/war3i4i <- KillingGod

www.twitch.tv/S_PvP  <- Good NA BM

To see how strong BMs are on level 50 patch check Eyebrows' stream -  http://www.twitch.tv/hanjunho/

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On 17/2/2016 at 11:23 AM, Enoll said:

Regarding summoners check those 2:







First read the above 2 topics regarding summoners their skills and mistakes the players make. Once you know that read the following:


Against bad summoners (and trust me there are LOADS of them, because there are plenty new players) you can kill the cat easily. When you start the fight don't rush them immediately so you don't hit their dandelion. As soon as the cat is next to you use C that goes through defense and launch in air, after the launch use V (blade call) then LB / RB (to start the air combo)  then X (to stop the projectiles that will come from the summoner) and then V (for more chi regeneration of what's going to follow) and finish the air combo with LB. As the cat is falling down press C again (because after the blade call now you are in phantom stance) that will weaken the cat and will keep it in the blade call dmg, after the C press 4 that will put you in draw stance and this is exactly where you want to be. You have full chi and more chi to come 1st from the V(24 chi regeneration within 12 seconds) 2nd you have already activated your second V in phantom stance with 2 chi every 1 second and you are in draw stance after 4 (that has already dealt a lot of dmg because you have weaken the cat with C in phantom stance). What follows is 2 in draw stance to keep the cat locked in weaken and then 2x RB + LB (stun ) + 2x RB + tab weaken + 2xRB and cat is dead. 

Thats it, summoner without a summon is not a summoner. Rest is make sure you dont hit in dandelion and don't waste your SS and by not wasting you SS... I would explain that vs the good summoners. So yeah, cat is dead what you can do is wait for the next dandelion, block for instance, the only think the summoner can do is knock you down which you can "F" and then block again, and wait for the dandelion, as soon as the dandelion comes out wait 3 seconds and then for instance SS + 3 for pentaslash aircombo, after teh summoner is down from the air combo majority of the bad summoners will press F, so after you fall (because after air combo you fall before the summoner you can just go back towards the back of the summoner... I really can't explain that any better without screen shots or video) but after the air combo look where the back is pointing of the summoner and start walking in that direction so when he F's you will be good 5 meters away from him and you can lock him down with either 3 or 2 or any other skill you like. Once the cat is dead try to use your C as much as possible for heals. If blade call is off cool down just use it, don't be afraid because you need the X projectile defense.


Now against good summoners, what you want to do is have your tab and your V to escape grapples. You don't focus the cat but you focus mainly the summoner. You should not waste your SS no matter what, but even if you do its not the end of the world. You should X knock down the cat any chance you have to avoid dmg or Q / E or block it.  Now why you shouldn't waste your SS. With the latest patch summoners have skill that casts chestnuts on top of you, which stops you from blocking and afterwards they can freely use the cat CC's so they can grapple you. So as soon as you see the chestnuts just SS. If you see the summoner's chestnuts is not stopping your blocking then the summoner is an absolute keyboard wanna be pianist aka extremely bad. So good summoners will know that you will keep your SS for that. Bare in mind that even after you SS of chestnuts you still wont be able to block for like 1-2 seconds, so what you can do it since you are in draw stance as soon as the cat comes towards you just E the cat and after the E you should be able to block no problem (but dont block for long because they can mount you). A good summoner will force you to SS, for instance they will use I think its their 2 which roots you, don't SS then, instead block, if you block an attack it will activate your LB (Whirling slash i think its called, the one that recovers CHI) and just use it, this will get you out of the root  OR just Q/E on the cat if it is next to you. In a situation where the summoner uses chestnuts and you use SS and then they root you and are behind you with the cat which means you cannot block and you cannot SS, if you have V just use it to protect yourself from incoming dmg or just block, if they are stupid they will knock you down so you can F, if they are clever they will just damage you, if you don't have V knockback then the summoner has absolutely outplayed you. Another thing is summoner's E that is not mentioned in the second link that I have given you. Bad summoners don't use, good summoners use it very cleverly. What it does is recalls the cat towards the summoner and weakens you and has 30 seconds cool down. So imagine the situation that you use 2 to stun the summoner and the summoner presses E to recall the cat... you will see the cat flying towards the summoner, just Q that... so you don't get weaken OR if you see the summoner has already used E to recall his/her cat that means they just wasted the cool down of their defensive skill. With today's maintenance we will have 4 that will deal 10k dmg which will be awesome to deal the extra dmg necessary to kill the summoner. Mid fight if you notice that the cat is almost dead do not hesitate to turn on the cat and kill it. Now regarding CCs, you wanna have C on 5 meter, you wanna have 3 on 5 meter, you wanna have tab for weaken as well and when you are comboing you wanna cc both the cat and the summoner so the cat can't counter CC you.

^Btw i will use this topic on my twitch stream cuz I think i did a good job explaining everything regarding the BM vs Summoner matchup.





Against assassins..


Unfortunately there are no posts regarding assassins skills so I will just quickly list those ones that you need to know.


1. Their 2 - Waves their hands in a black shade. - > if you hit into that you will make them invisible, however on this patch you can still pentaslash them. At a later patch they will have a legendary skill that will give them 100 % evasion for 2 seconds after you hit into it. So at the moment if they use this skill you have to either SS + Pentaslash OR if you are close to them E + X or Q + E + X or just X since X blocks their "guard" as this skill is counted as "Guard" and you will stun them.


2. When they are knocked down... if you see them protecting themselves do not hit them, use X instead or use C (if it breaks defence) otherwise you will give them stealth. 


3. When an assassins  SSs it activates 2 skills first one is like a green F skill which is a gap closer gets behind you but does nothing just a gap closer(this skill also activates after tab stun escape or as you call it trinket) then the second one is F which jumps again and kicks you which weakens you. When an assassin SSs target him while holding block and spam Q, once they jump behind you you will Q on them because you have them on target, then majority of the assassins are bots so they will use the second skill that weakens you so you do E and you go behind them and after teh E you can use ... oh boi... C / X / 3 / 2...  w/e you want... be creative. 


4. When assassins are in stealth (pretty much like our draw stance) it activates few skills for them. One of them that ALL of them HAVE to use for their combo is X which puts like a stick on your back with a red light on top, the debuff is a purple icon. What this skill does is when they can basically press X again GO behind you and weaken you. So imagine the scenario assassin goes in stealth... actually I will give you some scenarios at the end. 


5. When they are in stealth they can press 3 that jumps behind you... for a brief second they are visible and then they stun you and move back 8 meters. Once they press 3 to jump behind and for that brief one second while they are visible you can press either V - that will knock them back (you need only 2 points on this, they don't have grapple) or you can press tab (weaken them) and that will get them out of stealth.


6. Flower gives them escape from stun and weaken but not knock down, so if you can keep them on the ground good, if you are about to weaken/ stun them make sure you use F for air combo immediately so you can waste their flower, or just weaken them and make them use their flower if you have enough skills afterwards for follow up.



Right majority of the fights you want to be next to the assassin and Q +  LB (stun) or Q + E + X/C/3/2 etc and just apply pressure.  SS + Pentaslash to start a combo. 

Right now I will give you some scenarios.


For instance the assassin starts the fight, you are clever enough and you block immediately, the assassin is a bot and he goes oh wait a second he is not moving I can get free stealth they press RB which moves them behind you because they rush (pretty much like our sprint + lb/rb) and they are now behind you stealthed. If you are quick enough exactly after the stealth you can press V which will knock them back out of stealth press C in phantom stance that will weaken them and they will F... they have to F if they dont F just use 2 + 4, if they F you have to time it well because if you miss the frame window you will hit in their 2 block, so after they F just use 2 + 4 OR just SS + pentaslash. 


Another scenario assassin gets in stealth uses his X  which puts that stick on your back, then they are stupid enough to press 3 and jump behind you and you counter it with lets say tab (weaken) or you counter it with lets say V that knocks them down followed by C to weaken, they will F and when they F 95 % of them will immediately use X again to go behind you to weaken you so what you can do is just block behind to stun them OR as they approach the end of their F escape just ss and I dunno pentaslash or wait a second to see if they use 2 and then use LB to stun or i dunno its all very situational. 

So thats it pretty much about assassins that you need to know. 




As I have said before the best thing to do(after you have learned what ur skills do) is learn the opposite classes' skills and If you are interested in other classes and you wanna learn more - www.impbns.com


Streams to watch of bms:


www.twitch.tv/enoL_   <- Myself

www.twitch.tv/war3i4i <- KillingGod

www.twitch.tv/S_PvP  <- Good NA BM

To see how strong BMs are on level 50 patch check Eyebrows' stream -  http://www.twitch.tv/hanjunho/


Amazing, thanks A LOT !

Btw usually when i play vs summoner (bad ones since i am still low ELO) i manage to kill the cat with this combo but by the time i kill the pet i got 70% of my life taken off, how do you deal with their burst while you take down the cat ?


Can you do something like this against Destroyer and lbm too pleaaaaase ? :)

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33 minutes ago, Alphasan said:


Amazing, thanks A LOT !

Btw usually when i play vs summoner (bad ones since i am still low ELO) i manage to kill the cat with this combo but by the time i kill the pet i got 70% of my life taken off, how do you deal with their burst while you take down the cat ?


Can you do something like this against Destroyer and lbm too pleaaaaase ? :)


That's why he said to hit X the moment you pop blade call. It deflects all ranged attacks long enough to get your combo off. 

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Hey guys, do you have problem against Lyn Blade master ? i mean Blade dancer ?


For example, when i'am against a KFM or a BM, when i cc him and i'am waiting him to use his "F" rolling back to chain him. I cant do this with Blade dancer, i dont know why, maybe bad timing but each time i try it resist cause i did too early or he always have time to block. Do you have same problem or its just me ? i just want to know before to train hard about it cause i wont spend a lot of time on it if majority of ppl have same problem with BD.


Please let me know ='(

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Hey guys, do you have problem against Lyn Blade master ? i mean Blade dancer ?


For example, when i'am against a KFM or a BM, when i cc him and i'am waiting him to use his "F" rolling back to chain him. I cant do this with Blade dancer, i dont know why, maybe bad timing but each time i try it resist cause i did too early or he always have time to block. Do you have same problem or its just me ? i just want to know before to train hard about it cause i wont spend a lot of time on it if majority of ppl have same problem with BD.


Please let me know ='(

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On 2/24/2016 at 4:29 PM, PrinceAlYaseen said:

Hey guys, do you have problem against Lyn Blade master ? i mean Blade dancer ?


For example, when i'am against a KFM or a BM, when i cc him and i'am waiting him to use his "F" rolling back to chain him. I cant do this with Blade dancer, i dont know why, maybe bad timing but each time i try it resist cause i did too early or he always have time to block. Do you have same problem or its just me ? i just want to know before to train hard about it cause i wont spend a lot of time on it if majority of ppl have same problem with BD.


Please let me know ='(

When he spins he gets a resist to stun, daze, knockBACK. You better uses Boot (X) with 2 points on it for KD as it breaks defense or wait a bit before using Anklebiter (3).

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Its not about spin, and i know about spin & boot, its just when he's knockdowned on floor and when i'am waiting him using F to roll back. Why i cant cc chain him like KFM, BM... ?


I have no problem about cc chain with a guy is knockdownded and when i'am waiting him using his F to roll back.


When a BD is rolling back, each time i try to cc chain, its too early, or he can use his spin to protect himself as soon as he's standing. I dont understand.

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