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Summoners should be banned from arena


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13 minutes ago, Elfae said:


While I do not disagree summoner has a high advantage over most class currently available in the game, nor the fact the opinion of a certain "champion" can certainly provide insight to the topic he is considered a champion at, but it is stated by the OP "the champion" lost to a summoner. Why is it has to be about the class? This person, who happens to play a summoner, is just simply better than your champion based on skill or luck, and may not because of his class.


It's like saying the opponent of Rousey Ronda, the female wrestling champion and whom everyone expected her to win, won because she's cheated. No, Ronda the female champion simply lost to someone who happens to be better than her at that time. Same goes to Jaesung, he "may" lost to another player who happened to be better.


So can we talk about what went wrong with Jaesung's defeat instead of "summoner is stupid because one guy used it and kicked Jaesung's sorry ass."


And yeah it touches anyone's nerve if you call them ignorant, indirectly or not. Considering his videos are 150k views at best and MMO gaming in NA is not as popular as it is in KR, you could show some understanding and expectation for many of those who do not know how this person is relevant to the topic at hand. If we were to talk about Adelle on the other hand, then I'm sure over a million people would come by and say "Hello" to you, but Jaesung?

Not "champion" or a certain champion. But "champions", Jaesung, hanjunho, Park. etc


Hopefully now that arguably one of the best bns players in the world said this, the summoner fanboys will stop invading every thread with their typical " you're just bad, gid gud son".

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3 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

if he lost to a summoner maybe he is not that good just deal with it

its the fact that if you say anything about summoners around here, people just say youre bad and they arent overpowered. *cricket* the system.


Not "champion" or a certain champion. But "champions", Jaesung, hanjunho, Park. etc


Hopefully now that arguably one of the best bns players in the world said this, the summoner fanboys will stop invading every thread with their typical " you're just bad, gid gud son".

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13 minutes ago, Elfae said:


While I do not disagree summoner has a high advantage over most class currently available in the game, nor the fact the opinion of a certain "champion" can certainly provide insight to the topic he is considered a champion at, but it is stated by the OP "the champion" lost to a summoner. Why is it has to be about the class? This person, who happens to play a summoner, is just simply better than your champion based on skill or luck, and may not because of his class.


It's like saying the opponent of Rousey Ronda, the female wrestling champion and everyone expected her to win, won because she's cheated. No, Ronda the female champion simply lost to someone who happens to be better than her at that time. Same goes to Jaesung, he "may" lost to another player who happened to be better.


So can we talk about what went wrong with Jaesung's defeat instead of "summoner is stupid because one guy used it and kicked Jaesung's sorry ass."


And yeah it touches anyone's nerve if you call them ignorant, indirectly or not. Considering his videos are 150k views at best and MMO gaming in NA is not as popular as it is in KR, you could show some understanding and expectation for many of those who do not know how this person is relevant to the topic at hand. If we were to talk about Adelle on the other hand, then I'm sure over a million people would come by and say "Hello" to you, but Jaesung?

First of all, the whole threat is hatred about summoners, Lets get that straight, secondly when a dude does 20/0 then starts losing ALOT againsts summoners, theres probly something wrong with the player, BUT when the player losing is someone whos played the game longer than the server, theres something wrong with the server. Jeosong insight is of great significance to the OP simply because his experience is far greater than majority of the server. 


3 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

if he lost to a summoner maybe he is not that good just deal with it

Exactly what every non-summoners are pointing out, this reply sums up the ignorance. "Git gud" you, dude who has played the game longer than anyone in this server, "git gud" you, the dude who has won the KR server tournament, "git gud" cuz you dont play summoner.

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2 minutes ago, elliv said:

Not "champion" or a certain champion. But "champions", Jaesung, hanjunho, Park.


Hopefully now that arguably one of the best bns players in the world said this, the summoner fanboys will stop invading every thread with their typical " you're just bad, gid gud son".


So this Jaesun is indeed Jesus and whoever kicked his ass is devil and should be extinguished.

Please renovate a church and allow me to kneel before thy God Jaesung and join thy brethen to defeat this demonic Summoner thou fear.

Amen to Jaesung


And please do not ignore that deep within my heart, what you just typed is pure idiocy.

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Just now, elliv said:

its the fact that if you say anything about summoners around here, people just say youre bad and they arent overpowered. *cricket* the system.


Not "champion" or a certain champion. But "champions", Jaesung, hanjunho, Park.


Hopefully now that arguably one of the best bns players in the world said this, the summoner fanboys will stop invading every thread with their typical " you're just bad, gid gud son".

well they are champions but at their servers

here they have  high ping to play a ping dependent game and another factor like different players that maybe can be as good as them

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8 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

well they are champions but at their servers

here they have  high ping to play a ping dependent game and another factor like different players that maybe can be as good as them

I beg the differ, in this video, you can clearly see that his got amazing ping lol, he barely lost, only summoners killed him. Destroyer, assassins, blade masters, force masters, you name it. You cant say he lost because of "region issues", if you were one of those 37 people he defeated and he had ping issues, you just insulted yourself and/or the other players he defeated. Its like complaining about the bots in the arena and the main complain is them beating you.

In relevance to the subject at hand, its very clear that summoners are broken, and ill state it again, the insight of a esport champion should be taken into consideration.

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14 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:

First of all, the whole threat is hatred about summoners, Lets get that straight, secondly when a dude does 20/0 then starts losing ALOT againsts summoners, theres probly something wrong with the player, BUT when the player losing is someone whos played the game longer than the server, theres something wrong with the server. Jeosong insight is of great significance to the OP simply because his experience is far greater than majority of the server.


And as I point out Rousey Ronda is a well known wrestling champion to the point barely anyone expected her to lose but she did. Jaesung is a champion but no one is the best forever. No matter how well above and beyond you are, you can always lose to a green horn and a nobody at any moment.


At this point, I'm not sure if the OP hate summoner or hate the fact that his favorite Jaesung is a Loser in one particular match against summoner.


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6 minutes ago, Elfae said:


And as I point out Rousey Ronda is a well known wrestling champion to the point barely anyone expected her to lose but she did. Jaesung is a champion but no one is the best forever. No matter how well above and beyond you are, you can always lose to a green horn and a nobody at any moment.


At this point, I'm not sure if the OP hate summoner or hate the fact that his favorite Jaesung is a loser in one particular match against summoner.


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4 minutes ago, Elfae said:


And as I point out Rousey Ronda is a well known wrestling champion to the point barely anyone expected her to lose but she did. Jaesung is a champion but no one is the best forever. No matter how well above and beyond you are, you can always lose to a green horn and a nobody at any moment.


At this point, I'm not sure if the OP hate summoner or hate the fact that his Jaesung is a loser in one particular match against summoner.

Where did you get that information that he lost to a summoner?  The fact that you are defending the broken system states that youre a summoner. But dont worry, apparently you wont get nerfed or even be put in the right state you are suppose to be in (starting arena match without cat, cuz apparently thats to mainstream).

But hey, jeusung might be a loser in the eyes of a nobody, but the dude makes money making videos of his games AND he wins tournaments making money. Hows your gaming lifestyle?

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11 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:


11 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:

I beg the differ, in this video, you can clearly see that his got amazing ping lol, he barely lost, only summoners killed him. Destroyer, assassins, blade masters, force masters, you name it. You cant say he lost because of "region issues", if you were one of those 37 people he defeated and he had ping issues, you just insulted yourself and/or the other players he defeated. Its like complaining about the bots in the arena and the main complain is them beating you.

In relevance to the subject at hand, its very clear that summoners are broken, and ill state it again, the insight of a esport champion should be taken into consideration.

I beg the differ, in this video, you can clearly see that his got amazing ping lol, he barely lost, only summoners killed him. Destroyer, assassins, blade masters, force masters, you name it. You cant say he lost because of "region issues", if you were one of those 37 people he defeated and he had ping issues, you just insulted yourself and/or the other players he defeated. Its like complaining about the bots in the arena and the main complain is them beating you.

In relevance to the subject at hand, its very clear that summoners are broken, and ill state it again, the insight of a esport champion should be taken into consideration.

he can't beat a random summoner at gold rank so where is his best in the world champion skills? or maybe he just get carried by his class buffs at his server

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3 minutes ago, Dreamer0526 said:

Jaesung lost to gold summoners. He was not amused.Where did you get that information that he lost to a summoner?  The fact that you are defending the broken system states that youre a summoner.


Ugh, your memory got a problem or something. You quoted me the first time I asked who is Jaesung and why he losing to one summoner matter, because the moron OP has been copy and pasted "Jaesung lost to gold summoners. He was not amused" more than once as if he's brain dead and got nothing new to type in.


And "how's my gaming lifestyle?"

It's going well. I still play soccer fine, I'm not making any gold medal or even a penny from it but doctor says I'm the last person they'd expect to get diabetes. I also play some chess, not quite good at it yet, but with my knowledge in psychology, I would not worry about having Alzheimer or any short term memory problems. So, how's your gaming lifestyle?

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On 2/16/2016 at 11:29 AM, CrimsonHold said:

Blade masters should be banned from arena... you know blocking gets you stunned :) same with assassins they are just invisible, then what about blade dancers? they tab tab tab to win. Forcemasters freeze you on 3 right clicks and dont start about the destroyers and the kungfu masters, cuz you wont be walking long. Ban these with the summoners then the arena is fine to go.

-_-; wow, touchie much?


7 hours ago, Dreamer0526 said:

I honestly dont know what summoners are in lineage but I wish the summoners were more among the lines of summoners...


Temporary summons that do alot of damage but isnt on the field doing ALOT of cc.

I'll admit, I was thinking about wanting an online game F2P that had summoners like FF. Not some classes that has a pet fight for them... if anything, I would actually call that class Tamer or "animal" master.


9 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

if he lost to a summoner maybe he is not that good just deal with it

-_-; ... I don't know why, but I'm getting a strong feeling that you have a "I'm always right and everyone else is wrong" complex from you. The "champions" got their titles for a reason, because they were good. We just got the game and learning the in's and out's while the champions have years of experience and have continued to play even in this day. And there is the fact that there is more than one champion that's saying the same thing. Are you going to ignore those signs?

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9 minutes ago, Elfae said:


Ugh, your memory got a problem or something. You quoted me the first time I asked who is Jaesung and why he losing to one summoner matter, because the moron OP has been copy and pasted "Jaesung lost to gold summoners. He was not amused" more than once as if he's brain dead and got nothing new to type in.


And "how's my gaming lifestyle?"

It's going well. I still play soccer fine, I'm not making any gold medal or even a penny from it but doctor says I'm the last person they'd expect to get diabetes. I also play some chess, not quite good at it yet, but with my knowledge in psychology, I would not worry about having Alzheimer or any short term memory problems. So, how's your gaming lifestyle?

Guess you didnt notice it at all, the ignorance of "im always right" mindset either your own or the mindset of all summoner users. Hench the #1 rule, summoners are balance, and everyone else needs to know the game.

He didnt got carried with the buffs you idiot, he was playing on the playing field were everything is equal. LOL, I cant stop laughing at that statement you made LOL. You claimed that he got carried cuz his buff, but in reality, our server is *cricket*ed up, our summoners are overpowered beyond belief (THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO START ARENA WITHOUT PET, the pet in the arena started at level 50), the "buff" you stated is the actual balance of the game.

Arguing with you people is like arguing with a brick wall, doesnt *cricket*ing matter if the entire community is saying the class is broken, in your mind and majority of the summoners community, summoners are balance. ALOT of summoners are saying the same, heck, we who never played summoners played summoners too in order to prove that the class is broken and you wanna know what the result of the test? ITS TRUE, a half brained dead gorilla can win with the summoner, with 4 fingers, 4 *cricket*ing buttons.

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First, whether or not someone knows of famous people adds nothing to this debate. What matters is what's in the game. Jaesung's opinion can be an indicator, but it's not going to detract from anything if someone doesn't know who he is before it being explained. Lower the toxicity please.


Second, no one doubts Jaesung's talent. He's proven himself. However, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the class he used when he lost is not the same blade master he normally plays. In our server BM is widely regarded as the weakest class at the moment, while summoner currently has what it needs to do well. What's more, I don't see anything on the talent of the summoner who beat him. Who was this great player who beat Jaesung while severely handicapped?  Is he good or a scrub? Basically, I'm not sure how good of an indicator this match is.


There are a lot of summoners that got the whole "not going to listen to reason" vibe. Trouble is, that's hardly unique to summoners. I've been trying to figure out myself since I didn't pick the class to be OP and rather enjoy knowing my skill got the victory, not my class. So far it seems at the moment summoner is a bit overpowered, especially at lower levels of skill. This changes in higher levels of skill where there are a couple classes that can outright counter them, while they supposedly outright counter BM, Jaesung's class. Anyways, supposedly it matter little as soon enough we'll have level 50 content in which classes are truly balanced. Hopefully then we won't get updates to fix balance for levels we have not yet reached once again.

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4 minutes ago, Zooks said:

When one of the best player in the world says BM's are crap, they're probably crap. 

bm's are crap but i play as bm and win almost every round because im the best but if i lose it's because  the enemy class is overpowered, and im right because  im the "world" champion at my country server

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3 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

bm's are crap but i play as bm and win almost every round because im the best but if i lose it's because  the enemy class is overpowered, and im right because i im the "world" champion at my country server

.... the country of you.... yeap, you are so right

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5 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

bm's are crap but i play as bm and win almost every round because im the best but if i lose it's because  the enemy class is overpowered, and im right because  im the "world" champion at my country server


World champion means world champion you retard. Not country champion. 

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Just now, Elfae said:


Like I said before, I do not disagree summoner has high advantage over most currently available class in game, but how the BLOOD HELL is Jaesun's sorry ass got kicked matter?


At least learn to read before calling people a brick wall you moron.

It was more than one champion.... and Jaesun is like the king of them all. Anyway, they all pretty much said the same thing.

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2 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

bm's are crap but i play as bm and win almost every round because im the best but if i lose it's because  the enemy class is overpowered, and im right because i im the "world" champion at my country server

No, no no. Its Im a summoner and im balance. Doesnt *cricket*ing matter what everyone's opinion is, im balance as hell.Even if my skills are suppose to be for level 50, im still balance. And if everyone is losing to me, its not because im overpowered of broken, its because they need to know how to play the game. 

And fyi, the best in his country server is the current most updated server. Your idiotic class is up to the current server and rules and all, MINUS the hongmoon. Why else is everyone saying that blade masters gonna be OP at level 50? well, pretty much at this very moment, summoners are already at level 50, just them. Thats it.


1 minute ago, Elfae said:


Like I said before, I do not disagree summoner has high advantage over most currently available class in game, but how the BLOOD HELL is Jaesun's sorry ass got kicked matter?


At least learn to read before calling people a brick wall you moron.

Am I talking to a person or a brick wall? jeusongs opinions been stated in this argument over and over because his played thsi game more times than ALOT of the people in this thread, and he has stated that the class is broken (even though alot before have stated, probly close to hundreds of hate summoner threads now), clearly kuckle heads will not listen to those opinions, heck all they say is "git gud"/ You cannot argue with people like that, hench the reference to brick wall. If we dont mention someone "gud" its unlikely knucklehead summoners will understand that they are infact over powered and broken. But knuckleheads knuckleheads. 

Im a nobody too lol, im a gold 1700 right now, and at the status of the game, its unlikely for me to go higher since hte next few matches bound to be summoners LOL. 


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Just now, BlueOwl said:

It was more than one champion.... and Jaesun is like the king of them all. Anyway, they all pretty much said the same thing.


Yeah, I get he's a big shot and all. But the game of throne dictates a new ass to be seated once a while. Which is why I asked why Jaesung's ass kicked by a summoner has something to do with the class and not with the player that played the class to kick Jaesung's ass. No one is the best forever. One day, champions will lose to someone better, or even a complete a--hole, green horn, and nobody.

So can people be a bit more mature and logical and discuss what went wrong with this champion's match that he ultimately defeated by someone who happened to play as summoner at that time?

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Just now, Elfae said:


Yeah, I get he's a big shot and all. But the game of throne dictates a new ass to be seated once a while. Which is why I asked why Jaesung's ass kicked by a summoner has something to do with the class and not with the player that played the class to kick Jaesung's ass. No one is the best forever. One day, champions will lose to someone better, or even a complete a--hole, green horn, and nobody.

So can people be a bit more mature and logical and discuss what went wrong with this champion's match that he ultimately defeated by someone who happened to play as summoner at that time?


So you're saying that he lost because the ~1750 ELO Summoners were just better players? He lost because he was playing a BM into a bunch of Summoners which happen to be BM's worst matchup. He has two character in Diamond on NA, and didn't have problems with Summoner on them. 

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1 minute ago, Elfae said:


Yeah, I get he's a big shot and all. But the game of throne dictates a new ass to be seated once a while. Which is why I asked why Jaesung's ass kicked by a summoner has something to do with the class and not with the player that played the class to kick Jaesung's ass. No one is the best forever. One day, champions will lose to someone better, or even a complete a--hole, green horn, and nobody.

So can people be a bit more mature and logical and discuss what went wrong with this champion's match that he ultimately defeated by someone who happened to play as summoner at that time?

... yes, you do have a point.... but what does "more than one champion" mean? BTW, they hold tournaments in Korea, and not just a one time thing. The last one they had was... Nov 2015 and before that was June 2015..... If you want to end this debate, then I would suggest entering that tournament since you sound so confident.

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Just now, Elfae said:


Yeah, I get he's a big shot and all. But the game of throne dictates a new ass to be seated once a while. Which is why I asked why Jaesung's ass kicked by a summoner has something to do with the class and not with the player that played the class to kick Jaesung's ass. No one is the best forever. One day, champions will lose to someone better, or even a complete a--hole, green horn, and nobody.

So can people be a bit more mature and logical and discuss what went wrong with this champion's match that he ultimately defeated by someone who happened to play as summoner at that time?

That would be good IF its a person, morelikely the main factor of the winner is the class themselves, And the video link I linked (here: http://www.twitch.tv/lsjjws3/v/48435577) shows his record of 37/12 which is pretty much all wins against other class except summoners), simply put, you state that the throne will change, but in the brutal world of blade and souls, it should be base on skills of the player not base on the class. 

That is the balance we all (who dont main summoners) long for, a game where everyone cna kill everyone, not one class to rule them all. This sint the frucking lord of the rings, where if you are a maia you are automatically a badass. NO, this is blade and souls, you go through hell to attain the throne of the best.  No, right now, summoners starting at level 25 can most likely reach gold because of the broken system. While other classes (except for destroyers and blade dancers) need to be close to 40+ in order to compete with the rest. How is that fair?

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