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When every class is OP, none is


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Whenever I look into the arena forum, first thing I saw is " *insert class* too OP, need nerf ".

    So, I saw complaints about Summoner, Assassin, Blade dancer, Kungfu Master and Force Master too OP. That's mean people were trying to say that almost all the present classes we have are OP. Seriously, how can we decide which class need buff or nerf if we complain on almost every class for being the same ?!

    At least make up your mind about the OP part

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1 hour ago, Daymon said:

Whenever I look into the arena forum, first thing I saw is " *insert class* too OP, need nerf ".

    So, I saw complaints about Summoner, Assassin, Blade dancer, Kungfu Master and Force Master too OP. That's mean people were trying to say that almost all the present classes we have are OP. Seriously, how can we decide which class need buff or nerf if we complain on almost every class for being the same ?!

    At least make up your mind about the OP part


easy, look at the number of "nerf scummoner" and "nerf BD". You see maybe one "nerf KFM" a week and "nerf FM freeze" every 2 or 3 days. You can see tens of "nerf scummoner and BD" every single day.

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5 hours ago, Gratus said:

Because community = 1 person. Make up your *cricket* mind, stupid community!


Wait,  the community has different minds  ???? I thought we were hive mind.

But on the serious part, we only need one thread on one particular class and have people talk alot on it, not multiple threads flying around, since it kind of feels like those guys are whining.

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