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fm needs nerf i cant beat them with bd


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i was in the arena with my blade dancer and i fought this fm who was probably hacking and she teleported behind me and stunned me and just kept freezing me. wtf do i do as a bd this force master class needs a nerf or im quitting arena

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Instead of calling the nerf card like 75% of the ppl in these forums seem to do, try to learn what each class does skill wise and in certain situations and look up which of your skills you can adjust to counter said class and build. I know BDs defensive spin has some anti-root properties and can even deflect some attacks giving you an opening for some aerial combos. They definitely have the tools to beat FMs.


As far as "teleport hacking" goes, FMs have a Q and E skill much like your own that lets them be able to retreat or approach an opponent with a dash.



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i cant believe im reading this... a blade master saying he cant beat FM?  pls uninstall the game.

Blade masters have only 2 skills.

1 to spin , staying invunerable and reflecting attacks that goes back to the caster and stuns them.

2 = 1 unique airbone combo that u use when u stun them.

just do it like any other of you shit class and u ll rise to rank 1.


and to think i had to teach a BM how to win... for *cricket*s sake ...

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1 minute ago, Maiyushii said:

i cant believe im reading this... a blade master saying he cant beat FM?  pls uninstall the game.

Blade masters have only 2 skills.

1 to spin , staying invunerable and reflecting attacks that goes back to the caster and stuns them.

2 = 1 unique airbone combo that u use when u stun them.

just do it like any other of you shit class and u ll rise to rank 1.


and to think i had to teach a BM how to win... for *cricket*s sake ...


It's blade dancer not blade master.

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