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Such a silly idea to put into PvP, I know lets give a class an AI cat that can do air combos and CC the enemy whiles the actual player is safely out of range spamming every ability known to man kind.


This is literally the only game I've played where a pet has been so strong in pvp. 

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On 2/10/2016 at 6:57 AM, Vecejj said:

Yes summoner is beyond broken, the amount they can heal + burst + evade + counter + cc + cc whiles they're cc/d with the AI cat is so *cricket*ing stupid right now, they have officially broke the class.

we arent broken, we are called summoners for a reason. we can really only heal if the opponenet is being stupid, all of our heals the opponent can quickly stop. our burst is good, i admit, but is easily countered, and cc? all classes have cc we have just as much as any other class. everyone is pissed about the cat, when all u have to do is cc it.

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10 hours ago, Vecejj said:

Such a silly idea to put into PvP, I know lets give a class an AI cat that can do air combos and CC the enemy whiles the actual player is safely out of range spamming every ability known to man kind.


This is literally the only game I've played where a pet has been so strong in pvp. 

You must not have played world of warcraft back in the day. Hunter pets could 100% to zero you in a stun. No joke.

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This exactly, this game's combat is awesome but that retarded summoner class really takes away all the beautiful vibe of this `fighting game-like` gameplay. All matchups are fun and have a different feel (even though right now classes like BD and Destroyer are overpowered due to NC's idiotic decision, bringing the tooltips from a 60+ skill point meta). On top of that summoners got buffed as they were having trouble killing under 20 seconds. The designer that created this class shoul..no..must get castrated and banned from accessing any electrical device and be only fed cat food.

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6 hours ago, Devinator00 said:

You must not have played world of warcraft back in the day. Hunter pets could 100% to zero you in a stun. No joke.

Yea I did I remember that, blizzard admitted to overtuning and another time was a bug with a skill but blizzard recognised it and fixed it. Summoners were an issue before yet NCsoft still buffed them, I just hope they realise the mistake they made and fix it, not in a few months!

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It would make more sense if the cat was not the one performing the CCs, but the summoner.  The real issue is that summoner is the only class that can apply a CC while they are locked into a CC without having to use one of their escapes first.


The cat can be the one performing the CC - it just should be blocked from doing so while the summoner is controlled.  Summoner DPS is high enough - they don't need to be so well protected from crowd control.

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Games pvp is really being exposed for what it really is, too much false hype.  Game is not balanced, and that's not to say you can't still win with your class if you're really good because you can.  It's just that the mechanics are pretty garbage.  Every match is the same, bait for TAB and then go for your superstar hail mary combo over and over.

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