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Fix your scoring system...


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Why even have healing in arena if it doesn't count towards the score cards in the end? Only damage done does. This makes for bad game mechanics like high level assassins baiting out the clock and going to the cards every game. At high level play if an assassin doesn't want to be touched.. he won't be touched. Meaning if if the assassins strategy is to do bits of damage (hit and run tactics) and then stealth run to the edge of arena and wait out cds/freezing etc until the clock runs out. Sure their are assassins that have a more aggressive approach and go toe to toe, this thread is not about those assassins. Again this is high rated play so no low level git gud comments unless you're actually plat/dm and know what I'm talking about. 


If an assassin can do damage and hide to wait out the score cards then HEALING should count towards damage taken OFF the cards to counter the cancer play that is going on at higher ratings. It won't completely fix it but it'll damn sure light a fire under the assassins ass knowing he can't bs the whole fight to the cards. 

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You could have made a thread saying "I'm <class X> and having problems with Assassins that <abc>, what can I do to counter them?"


Instead you're asking for an overhaul of the scoring system because you're having a bad matchup.


And you don't want 'git gud' comments? Start with a more constructive approach. It's not the system at fault here.

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As an FM, healing should not be counted. We have a instant 30% heal that would be real BS if we could win on HP alone. What healing does is ensures you don't lose a match through knockout.


As for Assassins stealth kiting, only thing I can say to that is maybe reduce their movement speed while stealthed. Or give classes a ranged skill-shot they can use to break them out of the stealth. As it stands, most classes require a lock-on in order to use medium-long ranged skills.

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Again this is high rated play so no low level git gud comments unless you're actually plat/dm and know what I'm talking about.



I don't think you know what you're talking ,so git gud. Another thing is, assassin is not totally invisible, you can still see blurs of them.  And Hit&Run is mostly the only way to fight in arena, specially when facing destroyer or summoner.




As for Assassins stealth kiting, only thing I can say to that is maybe reduce their movement speed while stealthed. Or give classes a ranged skill-shot they can use to break them out of the stealth. As it stands, most classes require a lock-on in order to use medium-long ranged skills.



Why not just remove stealth from sin at all? All problems fixed. Every class can get sin out of stealth, any random aoe hit gets sin out of stealth

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Ohh Look there is a summoner who have just 1 skill (flower) and can destroy assassin all fking stealth build/combo etc..... Oh look there is a destroyer who have non-cd CC immunity spin and alot alot of healing which make them double/triple more hp than a assassin.... WTF??

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