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My KFM project fail


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AFter like a week of farming daily i got bored of my Blade Master, not to mention it felt lame and whell...you know when every third player is your class.....


So i rolled a kfm, next closest thing to me i guess. It was a bit shitty uptill 30 ish, after that it became a really fast paced kickmachine, and i must admit, it only feels slightly better then Bm, even trough the animations are really eye candy to me. I am really into this fast paced dynamic action combat, like in Anime. But then again, i suck as KFM hardcore. not only my ping is like 40-70 upto 230 ms somethimes, the reaction times of skills seem off , like 0.5 sec delay from button press to character reaction...trough might be just the intended animation time, but blocking is really irritating(trough i have this problem with bm to, its less punishing).

Not to mention the 80% of players have this general idea of KFM, that only the supermegapros play it because its weak or its hardcore to play. And the more and more i play it, i cant decide....its hard or its weak?


I keep hearing from koreans that the game is really balanced on 50, and there are no op classes...still i also keep seeing that no one wants to play KFM in Eu because its shitty. And after looking at the recent patch logs...KFM nerfs...ok i am totally feeling like i wasted 4 days of my life on a shit i am not even sure is worth to play at all.


I am really not into the idea of playing alts, because if i start, there is no end to it. So i generally roll an alt in mind, that i can switch to main if i keep liking it till max lv. I oyoutube a vid about the new instance and it was from a kfm perspective, and made me wonder...what class i really want to play, does it matter what is viable? And after my Guild Master asked me....what is my main todays (since i am lead officer) i was unsure what to say....so i finally sead its Blade Master.....


How you ppl feel about all this? Same feelings? Or you can keep it in your mind, that its only an alt?

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KFM is the master race. If you feel weak with it, practice more. It's worth playing, believe me, and it's not a weak class. It's hard to master, but very very strong. It has very high DPS in PvE when achieved properly (ani-cancelling and using Searing Palm while being the guy who tanks, thus benefitting from countering/dodging attacks for better focus recovery and even more deeps from Iron Shoulder -> Hellfire Kick, which also means an extra way to use Searing Palm). It can also give very good support to your party whether it be in a pure offensive way by the use of Fighting Spirit (this shit is no joke), or in both an offensive and defensive way by the use of Grapple to completely lock-down a boss for some seconds, which means free DPS + no incoming damage (not as good as Destro's grab tho). As for PvP, it is indeed hard to get a high rank as a KFM, but with a lot of practice (3RF is most likely the hardest ani-cancelling in the game, tho I have only played KFM, BM, Assassin and Destro so take it with a grain of salt, I don't know how is ani-cancel for the other classes) you can achieve very good results against any class such as being able to stunlock a target and combo it from 100 to 0% as long as your ennemy doesn't have an escape available. You have a lot of tools to counter a lot of classes in the game, as a KFM you're almost as versatile as a BM. You also have a lot of iframes and the very powerful "agility" buff while having a decent amount of self-healing which makes you very hard to kill. But if you're not willing to practice with all of the tools the class has to offer, you're gonna be weak. Don't believe people who say that KFM is shitty, or things like that, they couldn't be more wrong. I personally think it's one of the best classes in the game. And I love it.


KFM for life.

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15 minutes ago, ShandraManaya said:

KFM is the master race. If you feel weak with it, practice more. It's worth playing, believe me, and it's not a weak class. It's hard to master, but very very strong. It has very high DPS in PvE when achieved properly (ani-cancelling and using Searing Palm while being the guy who tanks, thus benefitting from countering/dodging attacks for better focus recovery and even more deeps from Iron Shoulder -> Hellfire Kick, which also means an extra way to use Searing Palm). It can also give very good support to your party whether it be in a pure offensive way by the use of Fighting Spirit (this shit is no joke), or in both an offensive and defensive way by the use of Grapple to completely lock-down a boss for some seconds, which means free DPS + no incoming damage (not as good as Destro's grab tho). As for PvP, it is indeed hard to get a high rank as a KFM, but with a lot of practice (3RF is most likely the hardest ani-cancelling in the game, tho I have only played KFM, BM, Assassin and Destro so take it with a grain of salt, I don't know how is ani-cancel for the other classes) you can achieve very good results against any class such as being able to stunlock a target and combo it from 100 to 0% as long as your ennemy doesn't have an escape available. You have a lot of tools to counter a lot of classes in the game, as a KFM you're almost as versatile as a BM. You also have a lot of iframes and the very powerful "agility" buff while having a decent amount of self-healing which makes you very hard to kill. But if you're not willing to practice with all of the tools the class has to offer, you're gonna be weak. Don't believe people who say that KFM is shitty, or things like that, they couldn't be more wrong. I personally think it's one of the best classes in the game. And I love it.


KFM for life.

I really love it when someone posts a reply with some well written and descriptive reasoning. On topic, I agree with what you said, my RL friend plays KFM and he is just a beast.

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