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Macro using classes for anicancel


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After playing against  8 KFMs in a row and a few destroyers. How *cricket*ing bad is the macroing in this game. I'm not one to complain about KFM being OP'd but seeing 8 in a row pulling off 3+ 3RF combos per *cricket*ing stun seems unlikely. Its not like I'm playing plat or diamond but literally every single one just clearly *cricket*ing spams this perfectly every time. I find it hard to believe theres just a ton of good KFMs sitting at my rank that are pulling these perfectly for every CC.

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Technical stuff like pressing buttons in a pattern is not hard to learn. Also, you shouldn't bet on the fact that people will mess up their basic combos. You always need to do your best to not give them the chance to even try to do it on you.

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1 hour ago, PsyFu said:

Using software to anicancel isn't illegal. You can't use it in tournaments but razer software for example is allowed. You also can't blame ani cancel on your losses. 

Actually any 3rd party macro software is against ToS and can get you banned.

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They mention third party automation software (aka bots). They are working with razer to help the game so I am not sure that counts. It doesn't modify any game files at all.

Even Jaesung a world champ says they use them in Korea. They are just not allowed in the official tournament..

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