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Please allow players to Multi-Client.


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If two computers, two accounts, one person is fine...

If one computer, two drives, two accounts, one person is fine...

...why not?


It was allowed in Aion without even needing a 3rd party program.


It feels like causing inconvenience for the sake of causing inconvenience since it's not a matter of principle. 


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Why cant people make up their minds what char will be their main? Smh so childish.
If you allow multiclient everyone will do dungeons by themselves, there'd be little need for clan except crafting maybe and not to mention there'd probably be a que again only this time, ironically, the server is going to have less people actually playing it.

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1 minute ago, TengokuKishi said:

yes because giving bots and spammers more power would be awesome..... >_>


I haven't seen a single bot in terms of resource collection. In terms of spammers, they're being dealt with very well, especially with the conveniences in blocking/reporting.  

Just now, SasamiMasaki said:

Hell to the NO!  I have no desire to play a game that caters to cheaters.


There is no cheating involved, calm yourself. Compare the situations I wrote in the original post. Are they cheaters as well? If not, then logically this is not cheating. If they are, then cheating is openly accepted at the moment. 


2 minutes ago, Katush said:

Why cant people make up their minds what char will be their main? Smh so childish.
If you allow multiclient everyone will do dungeons by themselves, there'd be little need for clan except crafting maybe and not to mention there'd probably be a que again only this time, ironically, the server is going to have less people actually playing it.


This has nothing to do with 'main' selection. There's no need to be derisive. The servers have settled, and everything you're saying can currently be done with a slightly different setup. In principle, it's allowed, so why not in this specific setup? 

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To me boxing  is when a game population start to go downhill and people start saying i login and it takes me too long to find enough people to play with.Didn't saw it happening yet here not to mention it would be more difficult to distinguish between gold sellers, botter and boxer so i have to say it's not an appropriate time to start allowing it.

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Just now, Cynic said:


I haven't seen a single bot in terms of resource collection. In terms of spammers, they're being dealt with very well, especially with the conveniences in blocking/reporting.  


There is no cheating involved, calm yourself. Compare the situations I wrote in the original post. Are they cheaters as well? If not, then logically this is not cheating. If they are, then cheating is openly accepted at the moment. 



This has nothing to do with 'main' selection. There's no need to be derisive. The servers have settled, and everything you're saying can currently be done with a slightly different setup. In principle, it's allowed, so why not in this specific setup? 


......do you even play the game? the reason this is like this is to make it harder to do said things. in reality there is NO NEED to have more than one client going. the only thing this does is just make it much MUCH easier for bots and spammer to do what they do best. so no this idea should not be added to the game.

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8 minutes ago, Cynic said:


I haven't seen a single bot in terms of resource collection. In terms of spammers, they're being dealt with very well, especially with the conveniences in blocking/reporting.  


There is no cheating involved, calm yourself. Compare the situations I wrote in the original post. Are they cheaters as well? If not, then logically this is not cheating. If they are, then cheating is openly accepted at the moment. 



This has nothing to do with 'main' selection. There's no need to be derisive. The servers have settled, and everything you're saying can currently be done with a slightly different setup. In principle, it's allowed, so why not in this specific setup? 

I have already seen bots / 'multiboxers' farming in the game.  I have no desire for NCSoft to legitimize immersion and mechanic destroying behavior to cater to the likes of people that think that running third party software to have a 'virtual army' of clones (aka BOTS) is 'acceptable' participation in the game.

Not only would allowing this setup situations in which a single person can bot farm resource nodes, PVP events and the like (something that is ALREADY happening), but it also sets up a framework for the Gold Sellers to offer / legitimize POWER LEVELING services to those willing to go into the black market of the MMO community.  No desire to have them here, thanks.

And incidentally, NCSoft is on record for banning people using 3rd party software...including so called 'multiboxing' setups.  So it is NOT allowed 'in principle'.

In fact, let me repeat ONCE again, something I have said on other threads where someone thought 'multiboxing' was legit play:


Automating the actions of a character, no matter if you are controlling the character that multiple others are CHAINED to via automation / external programs makes the chained characters run off something other than YOUR direct input.  That is a BOT....it isn't actually being controlled by you.  You need to learn to read.  Here's something to help you understand, from Dictionary.com :



Spell Syllables

a device or piece of software that can execute commands, reply to messages, or perform routine tasks, as online searches, either automatically 

or with minimal human intervention (often used in combination):

Also to add:

 I really really like how Koviko on another game's forums laid it out against multiboxers...so much, I am going to share it here:

---------post by Koviko-----------
I expected this thread to die long ago. It's still here, so I feel I should express my point of view.

I never, ever, EVER respect any multiboxer in any game. It goes against the ideals of the RPG. You are supposed to be your character. When your character is actually several characters, you are a cheater as far as I am concerned.

In the first MMO I ever played, healing was really simple. A healer's job was to buff every 15 minutes and spam heal the rest of the time. I would find a healer, we'd play and talk, eventually they'd have to go AFK to "do the dishes" or some other chore, and they'd be gone longer than the buff duration. I'd have to sit and wait for them to finally come back to re-buff me. And then after we were done, they'd ask for a portion of the loot. I never felt they deserved it, so eventually I made my own healer and played it on my laptop. It did everything those other healers did, but it didn't ask me for the loot I felt was mine. I started making a hell of a lot more money, but became a lot less social. 

When I started playing other MMOs, I realized all the teamwork I had been depriving myself of in the interest of greed. Legitimately playing with others was very fun and cooperating with other players helped me improve as a player. I got really interested in PvP and would play in large organized groups that I eventually started to lead, myself. Every day, someone in the group would learn something new and we all improved each other.

A few times we'd run into a multiboxer. These multiboxers were always a challenge to face, but never a normal challenge. Fighting them meant exploiting their weaknesses. These weaknesses weren't player-related, but multiboxing-related. To me, it felt no different than trying to exploit the weaknesses of a bot or a hacker. There was no skill, just mechanics. And fighting them was not fun. Beating them felt like beating a boss: we followed a plan, defeated the AI, and took the victory. Many players got a high from it, but at no point did I consider the multiboxer's play to be skillful, admirable, respectable, etc. And whenever anyone would make a comment to that effect, I'd be there to rebut. "Multiboxers aren't skilled players. If they were, they wouldn't need to multibox."

End of story.

Multiboxers try to convince people that what they do takes effort and is skillful. They'll say the reason they do it is because they needed a challenge and it is challenging to them. This is all complete crap. When someone says they need a challenge, it means that the game is no longer challenging to them. But I've never seen any of these multiboxers become top-tier raiders or PvPers before saying the game is too easy. Instead, I see them using multiboxing as a means of making the game easier, not harder. Dealing with the "quirks" of a 3rd party program isn't increasing your challenge. It's just increasing the complexity to do simple tasks: simple tasks that you are now doing tenfold every time that you do them.

I have zero respect for multiboxers. Multiboxers ruin games and then try to make you think they are respectable players. They are far from it. Multiboxers have one thing in common: they all EXPLOIT game mechanics for their own benefit, NOT "challenge" themselves as they keep trying to get you to think.

Multiboxers are cheaters. Don't let them convince you otherwise.

To answer the thread: the difference between BOTTING and MULTIBOXING is how you cheat. But either way, you are cheating.

---------post by Koviko-----------

'Nuff said!
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Just now, SasamiMasaki said:

I have already seen bots / 'multiboxers' farming in the game.  i have no desire for NCSoft to legitimize immersion and mechanic destroying behavior to cater to the likes of people that think that running third party software to have a 'virtual army' of clones (aka BOTS) is 'legit' play.

Not only does this setup situations in which a single person can bot farm resource nodes, PVP events and the like, but it also sets up a framework for the Gold Sellers to offer / legitimize POWER LEVELING services to those willing to go into the black market of the MMO community.  No desire to have them here, thanks.

And incidentally, NCSoft is on record for banning people using 3rd party software...including so called 'multiboxing' setups.  So it is NOT allowed 'in principle'.


You, and the others in this thread, in a fit of unrelenting ignorance fail to even look at the comparisons I've given. 


NCSoft does not currently allow 3rd party multi-client setups, however the situations I included in the original posts are just fine. In principle, they are allowed, as such, all of these 'issues' that players think would arise, can already occur. I don't understand this immense backlash, but it is what it is. Oh well. Sometimes I expect too much of people.  

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1 minute ago, Cynic said:


You, and the others in this thread, in a fit of unrelenting ignorance fail to even look at the comparisons I've given. 


I fully expect you to read what I posted above.  If you can't get it, I can't help you...nor do I want you in this game.

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