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Is it just me or is animation canceling more of a bug than a feature?


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It feels like a bug to me, even though it is present in many games. If you perform an action, you should be required to finish it all the way through.


And you should be punished for trying to spam attacks as fast as possible.


It also looks really unnatural. If you look at people who animation cancel with KFM, it looks like the animation doesn't even touch you before they use another ability.



Anyone else feel this way?

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When you put animation canceling into a game on purpose, it doesn't look like you are having a seizure. You can also look at the skills that can be cancelled and see what they have in common, and how spamming all your buttons can cause it. It's more than likely a bug that they didn't catch in time and they later said it was intended. Now, excuse me while I have my cat perma tank by spamming Q and hit F and RMB + LMB repeatedly to beat every instance solo. *rolls eyes*

You'll never be sure if it is a bug or not, though. Just because the devs said it was intended doesn't mean it was. Image is important. :P

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I think they probably left it in to raise the "skill ceiling" as something extra that people have to practice.


But it is rather more lag-dependent than skill dependent.


And yeah it looks like a seizure, especially KFMs.

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I... recall it formerly was a bug turned into a feature. It's not something all bad, mind you. But I do feel a bit bitter towards having to swear by animation cancels all the time. I trust my 3RFing skills fairly well and while I like the damage, the sight of my character spazzing between a kick and a punch with the CCs in the middle pains me. I suppose I shouldn't care much for that, but it's there.

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