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how do blade masters beat blade dancers???


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i bait the trinket at the opener, with a charge and after i got that trinket, then they instantly use theyre 5 sec IMMUNITY ( WHICH is bs IMO ), then i wanna go ham after that but they just spin forever untill they got no focus left and INSTANTLY Q E mig for a stun lock that i never get out of. then when i finally get out THE trinket is back up, they trinket my nxt burst opener, then i wanna go ham but then theyre 5 sec immunity is up AGAIN, and so it goes on forever and ever. how, why? what? 

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Simple, just grow a tail and ears. Tbh, I as KFM only beat them if they mess up and use trinket on knockdown. But then again, counter getting deflected and stunning me ( when I should have 2s immunity to stun) is gay. Luckily with HM levels and legendary skills I'll have more tools to fight BDs.

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What i see S_PvP do a lot vs LBD (diamond BM) is exactly like you open, Z into 2. If they use trinket, perfect. If not just air combo for damage. Mostly they'll just roll out after the air combo and then you can use C (the charge version with 0 chi regen) to daze them. If they do not trinket u can proceed to A and do a ton of damage untill they trinket. mostly after that they'll spin and then u can knockdown into tab daze into a lot of damage again.
Against immunity, he usually just blocks, there's a moment where the LBD goes into the back for a stun and he manages to time that aswell (with a block) but i'm not 100% sure how it works.

It does sound easier said then done though and requires a lot of practice, but you'll eventually be able to beat them.

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