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Faction Outfits


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I don't know about anyone else, but for myself I liked a lot of the styles the crimson faction had. But I didn't want to leave my clan, and my faction just to wear clothing I liked better. I came up with this edited photo of a crimson outfit just recolor/ textured with blue and white but would still distinguish him from a crimson, and a cerulean. 37399e8a4702f2363de14deb02efab61 With this I find it possible to be able to wear an outfit I like, but also allows me to keep my faction. Doing these for each outfit so that each rank  in which ever faction you have will allow you to choose from 2 outfits or both. It would be simple for the Game Developers to do this because they won't need to redesign anything, just edit the texture on the mesh clothing, which would allow them to keep the same bump mapping that allows it to look more 3 dimensional. In short a fast easy way for more faction outfits to choose from  with minimal work for the Dev's so it would be possible to make


2nd website link https://gyazo.com/37399e8a4702f2363de14deb02efab61


OK I made a new picture that is better then the first, just a quick edit of  the starting cerulean faction outfit  changed so that a crimson could wear it if he/she so desired.


Altered version- https://gyazo.com/fc4c2942801bc599b5f50f47b8e8be31


Original version- https://gyazo.com/010250e9a68ecd7789621a1875567a03

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they did in fact recolor the crimson elite outfit black and white at some point as a new costume.. dug around for the video and found it again although looking at the videos for all the other races, they seem to have an entirely different costume in the same color and patterns (blue white and black) and they were just extremely lazy with the gon and recolored crimson elite for them.

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9 hours ago, Iziak said:

Someone, made a comment to me saying that it would mess would the different cultures for each faction, but I would have to disagree with this thought since, it isn't a culture we would be a part of. It is more of a military uniform  that is designated by color. yes each faction has its own style but at level 3 you are ask  by the 2 faction members. join us because we are for the people, and the other says, join us we should have the elite heal the every one else. It is more of political belief over culture's style.  also @Aaronix thank you for you'r imput, and to Kichi thank you for you'r opinion.


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The question is, are you even able to get the elite uniform even if you swapped? Seeing as how factions are one sided either due to bots, PvE'ers, or lazies/timezone differences how exactly do you plan on getting it? Also doubt they'd be up to do this since they are designed with the faction and their description in mind. Just hope we get those costumes that were posted earlier, or learn to mod and hope you don't get caught. ;D

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I get that, and as you can see the first crimson outfit and the last match down to the style 100% but the second, and third don't but only to each other. As for the the cerulean there is a slight bit of collaboration in the style but mainly its just the color scheme. Just look at the second and third outfits, the second is poofy and the third is like a robe


It would just be a simple texture job that would allow the cerulean to have the crimson outfits, and the crimson to have the cerulean outfits.

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I think I actually would prefer if they added factionless retextures of each faction's outfits instead. Then you could enjoy the model without having to worry about a level 45 train ganking you out of nowhere because you dared to go into the open with the uniform. :p

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