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Destroyers using macros to ani-cancel?


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It *cricket*s so hard with your wrists and it's something that you start practicing early on as a destroyer since it's the best way to up your damage output. I am not saying that there aren't people using macro's, but I am sure most of them are doing it manually.

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It's most likely not macro, it's simple left-right click. You might be confused because there are 2 "gears" of the LMB-RMB spam. You probably saw the slow one, then saw the faster one and assumed it's macro.


Besides, I think the macro would just mess up your attacks since you need to do a skill > ani-cancel > another skill > ani-cancel, sometimes you need to do RMB without LMB. You can't just macro LMB-RMB and forget about everything.


Edit: it could also be that you met bad players, then someone who actually played well seemed like hacking.

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It is not a macro, there are technically 4 different ways the player can ani-cancel. 2 for each mode of attack. (not including massively changing bindings)
1. Left Click > Wait Until it hits > Immediately Right Click > Repeat

2. Bind Left Click to R and Right Click to T and do the same timing, just on those buttons

3. While Wrath is available: Left Click > Right Click | This can be done once ever 0.3 seconds, so its quite fast

4. While Wrath is available: Bind Left Click to R and Right Click to T and do the same timing, just on those buttons

The binds for and T are already in the game, it does NOT use 3rd party software. in fact I am pretty sure Left Click is bound to R by default and you just have to manually add Right Click to T in the options/key binds. Personally I use both methods, if I know I am going to be non stop ani-canceling with Wrath I use my keyboard more often than not. I use my mouse more often for the standard auto attack version.

The 3 ways that proc Wrath are:

  1. When the Destroyer pops Fury(Rage) they get it for up to 6 seconds
  2. When the Destroyer Slams you into the ground they get it for 4 seconds
  3. When the target the Destroyer is attack is either Grabbed or Phantom Gripped (This means if another player is holding the target the Destroyer can use Wrath).

As long as you watch out for these things you can at least be prepared for when you will be hit with tons of damage and MAYBE be able to do something about it (that part is up to player skill).

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