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Two Factor Authentication?


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Hi, I used to play quite a few MMO including Everquest Final Fantasy 14 and Sarwars Galaxy etc etc.


Majority of them had two factor authentication and it worked pretty well for me. (For 7 yeaers of MMO, not hacked once) I know it is annoying you have to get your smart phone out to type number and all but at least i feel more secure. I know B&S does check IP address and on screen PIN on top of main password but it can be captured fairly easily these days if PC is compromised key&screen logger. I would feel much safer as it is checking from independent device. Maybe I am too sensitive about this as I had quite a few friend who had issue with their account hacked but I would feel more secure if they can add two factor authentication feature so I have peace in mind when I logout and go to work.


Any thought?

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18 + years playing MMO's (both EQ and AC betas).. Two factor authentication is annoying, useless, and completely unnecessary. In fact I wish they would do away with this stupid Pin and the EULA that pops every single time. Anyway simple advice:

Don't use same email/password combo on any fan/social sites

Don't click on stupid stuff in emails or on websites.

Don't tell people you don't actually know in RL personal shit like your birthday, the names of family members,  your home town. I give a *cricket* how long you have been playing with this person, I don't care how good friends you think you are. DO NOT tell ppl over the internet your personal shit!


Actual hackers only use methods that will net them many accounts at once. Hacking a fan site with crap security. Email blasts with click on me and tell me your life story or else links. Sometimes they will use keyloggers and spyware they infect sites frequented by target game players. Small timers will try to engage you in conversation and weasel the info out of you because conning takes far less tech skills then any of the above..:L All of this is easily avoidable.


Anyway if you really really want the extra annoyance I believe there is a way to link a Google Authenticator to your account.

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