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A new player- Hi.


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Hey i was very hyped about this game and found out that it released a couple of days ago, atm is in maint but can't wait to finish so i can start playing..

What class would you recommend me to go? I like big & fast dmg, also nukers

Any tips you have for me? Any advice is welcome

What level do i need to be to join a guild?

Which is the most populated EU server?


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Well I don't have experience with every class, I only have a 38 assassin and blade master, but I find blade master to be very strong.  They start out slow but once you hit level 20 you get lots of new skills where you can deal tonnes of damage, plus you're pretty beefy with good crowd control. You can join a guild as soon as you get into the general population, and I'm not sure about the MOST populated server, but Cardinal gates is very full.  Unless you're premium I'd pick a newer server so you dont have long wait times to play.  Lastly my best advice is SAVE YOUR KEYS too many new players waste them all. if you cant get a weapon you need by opening boxes wait till you can buy it from the marketplace (opens at lvl 15)  that way when you need purple weapons which cant be bought, you can use your keys.

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I don't know much, but you would rather pick the least populated server if you don't want to wait in xk queues like the others.

Also i think Lyn Blade Dancer is some kind of nuker because, well, he nukes you for 70% hp atm(or 100% if you're weak).

For big constant dmg go Force Master, but he isn't nuker.

I don't know about Assassin but from the class name i guess he could nuke too...

Most populated server i think is Windrest, but i'm not sure. Also  as i said, don't do it. I'm playing on Greenhollow and never met a queue in 2 days.


And don't be so hyped for playing, the game is amazing right, but the server problems are massive. In the evening i have more than 2 sec of lags, people complain about queues (the free players with no life can't get over queues, but BnS stuff are constantly improving the servers). I think we need 2 more weeks and everything will be smooth as it should be, i hope, because the queues are one, but the lags are completely different and more important thing.

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3 minutes ago, Sumerechny said:

I don't know much, but you would rather pick the least populated server if you don't want to wait in xk queues like the others.

Also i think Lyn Blade Dancer is some kind of nuker because, well, he nukes you for 70% hp atm(or 100% if you're weak).

For big constant dmg go Force Master, but he isn't nuker.

I don't know about Assassin but from the class name i guess he could nuke too...

Most populated server i think is Windrest, but i'm not sure. Also  as i said, don't do it. I'm playing on Greenhollow and never met a queue in 2 days.


And don't be so hyped for playing, the game is amazing right, but the server problems are massive. In the evening i have more than 2 sec of lags, people complain about queues (the free players with no life can't get over queues, but BnS stuff are constantly improving the servers). I think we need 2 more weeks and everything will be smooth as it should be, i hope, because the queues are one, but the lags are completely different and more important thing.

The lag isn't a server problem or everyone would get it, Nobody in either of my clans has had problems with lag.

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I have been playing all the classes. I find the kung fu master as the funnies to play.

Why its my favorit: It's hard to learn to play them, but once u learn them its almost orgasmic  with the combos u land  (For me anyways)




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2 minutes ago, Krisium said:

The lag isn't a server problem or everyone would get it, Nobody in either of my clans has had problems with lag.

But in the morning hours i have no lags, also i've played Tera NA with so little delay it wasn't really noticable and i'm from EU. I don't think it's my fault, my ping is big in most games (around 80), no problem with CS: GO either... Any ideas? Also i'm not the only one with lags. And i don't know where the EU server is placed, but  your living area could affect the delay, so you may not have lags.

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Each class has a 1 to 5 star rating for its difficulty. There are a few with 2 and 2 and 1/2 stars, maybe try one of those as a first character.

I wouldn`t recommend Kung fu master as first character ;D

In the end, it will be your personal preference to what you choose.

Good luck and see you in game *v*/

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I left a populated server after i made lvl 45 because queues...moved to Twins wagon and all works good now.

As a class, i`am Force master, i find this class verry good for PVE/PVP. Its first time when i play this game and so far i just love it.

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8 minutes ago, Sumerechny said:

But in the morning hours i have no lags, also i've played Tera NA with so little delay it wasn't really noticable and i'm from EU. I don't think it's my fault, my ping is big in most games (around 80), no problem with CS: GO either... Any ideas? Also i'm not the only one with lags. And i don't know where the EU server is placed, but  your living area could affect the delay, so you may not have lags.

The eu server is in Frankfurt which is pretty central, you should start a support ticket to look into it.

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I really like assassin, I found it more fun than Kung fu master. My ass is 39, So I cant really compare classes much mostly playing her ATM.

 But shes fast, stealthy and you can really find your rotation and upgrade those skills, then when you get the hang of the procs n stuff I start upgrading those.

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