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Cross-Character Wardrobe.


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This has to happen. Some of these outfits are crazy hard to drop and the more I'm grinding some of these outfits the more I'm discouraged to play alts and so on.  Why this isn't something that was taught of before hand is beyond me.

It took me literally 20 dungeons to get a single outfit and it still has yet to drop and you expect me to do the same with another class. Even the wardrobe function is VIP only and it still doesn't allow me to use it on other classes.

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1 minute ago, Draexico said:

Stick with 1 character on outfits then

No ! If I am expected to pay for a wardrobe fuction then "sticking to 1 character" sounds quite stupid and ignorant and this point. Stop defending this business model

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1 minute ago, pinkpiggy said:

I can see why youre upset, but not everything can be easy to get in this game, otherwise there would be no point in playing it. 


Then don't charge for the wardrobe then.  Its basically a locker room then should make it free or allow me to use it on other classes. Obviously you haven't tried getting some of these outfits.

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if you are spending your time trying to unlock EVERY outfit for EVERY alt, yes its going to take a while and your going to get salty. just find one costume you like and you'll get it. the only ones that are even remotely hard to get are the heroic dungeon ones because people like to have bid wars and you need the money to get it, or find 5 other broke people.

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Especially keeping in mind that the outfits you buy in the shop are bound to one character too. Paying 15~20€ for an Outfit, that only one character can use is very expensive. I dont mind, that the ingame outfits have to be unlocked with every character, but the shop content should be somewhat account wide or way cheaper. I would be more willing to pay real money for costumes and stuff if I don't have to bind them to only one of my chars.


(And yes, this is f2p, but it still could be a better system.)

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To be honest I don't mind having to grind outfits on alt characters if they are related to drops in the game world. However with real money bought outfits and certain unlocks like for example multiple skillpoint setups, should really be applied to the account and not just one character .

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