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Queue Times? Get over yourself!


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That's precisely the point. They do this on purpose. People complaing, because they are tired of it. You should be 2. Where is the FTP when you need to pay to play??? If that1s the case then change the game monetary system to PTP. 4h to log in on a game is absurd and outrageous. Stop being a fudging fanboy and help your fellow gamers. Not the $$$$$ people.

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2 minutes ago, DuduMasterXD said:

That's precisely the point. They do this on purpose. People complaing, because they are tired of it. You should be 2. Where is the FTP when you need to pay to play??? If that1s the case then change the game monetary system to PTP. 4h to log in on a game is absurd and outrageous. Stop being a fudging fanboy and help your fellow gamers. Not the $$$$$ people.


Your tears are delicious.

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lolz. don't u knows that this game is the most anticipate game and NCSOFT should expect there will be huge Volume to sign up and they will have to prepare this massive coming to their server but unfortunately they had fail their job to make player happy. My Normal queue time is either Full or #4K+ member waiting on the same server and they don't event allow your to switch different server to have less waiting time.  Do you want to sit on your computer for 4-5 hours in order to get the dam freaking login.

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dont get me wrong i understand que times , but when que times are getting longer the longer you wait , and not shorter , while still staying over 5 hours long? it gets a little disheartening. especially when as people have already said some of us are already at cap, or close to it and dont exactly want to start over on a new server where all of our friends are NOT going to be. que times are just a fact of life with games espeically mmo's but when they last hours, and hours, and hours without any real sign of progress it gets a little crazy. especially for the people who simply dont have the time to wait hours in que to get 2 minutes of game time if that. and yeah sure we could buy premium , but if im not wrong you cant seem to purchase premium time unless you are already in game. so for the people who want premium but  dont have it yet and dont have all day to wait in que they basically get screwed.

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3 minutes ago, oOBlueOo said:

lolz. don't u knows that this game is the most anticipate game and NCSOFT should expect there will be huge Volume to sign up and they will have to prepare this massive coming to their server but unfortunately they had fail their job to make player happy. My Normal queue time is either Full or #4K+ member waiting on the same server and they don't event allow your to switch different server to have less waiting time.  Do you want to sit on your computer for 4-5 hours in order to get the dam freaking login.

name one game that had a successful launch without long queues

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2 minutes ago, Youtrippin said:

name one game that had a successful launch without long queues


Elder Scrolls Online had one of the best launches I've seen...but that game wasn't as anticipated as Blade and Soul, and is kinda shit compared to other games out there.

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7 minutes ago, Youtrippin said:

name one game that had a successful launch without long queues

 TERA. I'll even throw in SWTOR, (yes I know, can hardly be considered a great launch, however as far as QUE, non existent compared to this.) Aion's was bad, but never this bad. What else...WoW Cata queues weren't this bad. Neither were WoD.'s. Rfit's wasn't. Could go on, but you get the idea.

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the whole point is if the population on a server was going to get  so massive that there would be 6+ hour cue's that dont seem to go down then they should just have locked character creation on that server untill they managed to make the servers big enough to accomodate a larger population. dont get me wrong i understand que times and i expect them. but it is a little aggravating for people and they do have a right to voice their opinions.

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What's really getting at me is that for the head start people flooded mushin and all but crashed it. People freaked out because they couldn't play so they got free upgrades. Now we're all running into that and we've told to just sit and wait.

I understand that for the head start people paid money- and now its open for all free to play, but still, this is getting out of hand. 

Oh, also on top of that the game still has bugs and is crashing on people. I also understand that the game is newly lunched and things can happen- BUT THAT'S WHY THERE IS A BETA!  

I want to play this game and I can't. It's frustrating and I feel like we're not being told if they're working on it, and if they are what they're doing or how long it might take... bah humbug.  

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" About the queue times, get over yourself.  "


"IF you have to wait for such a long time: Roll a sandwich, watch a movie, take a cold shower and chill down or buy the premium signature for 5§ for a week and get almost instant queues. "


Because taking cold showers, watching movies (equally nonproductive), and 'sandwich rolling' are going to reduce the two and a half hour wait time because we're oh so *cricket*ing impatient that we're not willing to wait an 1/8th of our day to play this game -- because we're full of ourselves?


The players have nothing to do with the que times, and by all means they are entitled to expression, much like yourself. Before you make another post like this one, think about how *cricket*ing moronic you sound. Using their incentive (5$ premium) to make your point just makes you look more stupid.

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20 minutes ago, FriskyBrat said:


Your tears are delicious.

You see, there's no tears in here, just rage. Rage because NCSoft is not new to the market. A launch like this could compromise the future of this game. Don't you see that???

Of all games with terrible launch days, tell me the ones that survived the MMO War??? and don't you think the launch day helped that happen?

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I am saying that people shouldn't complain about a few hours of a queue for a new released game within EU/US. 

I can compare World of Warcraft to this, as i compared the Queue times and not the game itself. 

Every launch of a new WoW expansion i can wait for up to 10K+ in a queue that takes half of the day, "hench" never logout after logged in & there is no "premium" queues there.


But in Blade and Soul it's not even close to that amount of a queue time and we even have premium queues for 5§ for a week if you would like to avoid most of the queue, it takes me around 5 minutes to get into windstrider, highest EU populated server with 5K+ people in queue.


So again, for being a fresh game with such few days on the market in these regions the queue times are expected and i can surely agree that NC could done a better job but they didn't so swallow the queue times for a week or two & it will calm down or buy urself a premium for a week for stupid 5§. 

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11 minutes ago, Kisama said:

 Go wait for anything for 7 hours, please record is so I can see you "get over it"

I have premium so i wait 5 minutes max on the most crowded eu server, but thank you once or twice per year in WoW is enough, you act like a few hours is a big deal for a new game, lol. 

Take a chill pill and sit the f.u down. 

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